New Rocket Launcher Bug In Fortnite Makes It Overpowered

Rocket Launcher in Fortnite is a must weapon for any player that comes across it. With 110+ player damage and 300+ structure damage per shot, the Rocket Launcher is an insanely powerful addition to a player’s arsenal in the last few storm circles of the match. But that’s not it, a recently discovered Rocket Launcher bug makes it even more effective against structures.

A new bug in Rocket Launcher makes it overpowered

The weapon carries the risk of dealing damage to its wielder. That’s why players have to cautious while using it in close combat. But Reddit user “PreyBeats” might have found a way to negate self-damage from the weapon, even at close range.

How does Fortnite’s Rocket Launcher Exploit works?

Fortnite player PreyBeats was able to snatch a Victory Royale by using the exploit in the last one versus one battle. The player against PreyBeats was building a structure in order to heal himself and that’s when PreyBeats was able to use the exploit against him. Here’s the clip:

Epic I think you should work on this exploit. Its way too op. from FortNiteBR

“If you stay on one side of the pyramid and rocket the other side like I did, you don’t get damage and you drop in the opponent’s face,” says PreyBeats. The reason why this happens is due to the roof’s pyramidal shape. When one side of the roof is shot while standing on the other side, it gives players the ability to block the damage just like standing behind a wall.

The exploit itself is very risky, considering that the player pulled it off in the last showdown. But at the same time, the player was able to do the trick without even hesitating. That’s why the player himself urges Epic Games to quickly fix this bug because it can seriously damage the competitiveness of the game. The Heavy Shotgun also has a similar bug which gives players the ability to shoot through walls.