Prey: Mooncrash Gets a New Update with Bug Fixes and New Cosmetic Items

Prey’s Mooncrash DLC takes the familiar sci-fi exploration and combat elements of the base game and grafts on several “rogue-lite” elements to create a uniquely challenging (yet ultimately quite satisfying) experience. Now, developer Arkane Studios has released a new ‘Blue Moon’ update that specifically focuses on Mooncrash, fixing a bunch of bugs and also adding in a series of fun new cosmetic items.

Sadly, aside from a few miscellaneous bug fixes, the Blue Moon update doesn’t really do anything to the core Prey experience. However, if you’re enjoying the game’s Mooncrash DLC, you’ll definitely want to check the update out for yourself. First off, the update includes a few quality-of-life tweaks such as a full recharge for the flashlight upon reentering the simulation and some text clarification for the ‘It’s All in Your Head’ side quest.

The Blue Moon update includes new cosmetic items.

The Psycholitic Converter chipset, which allows players to charge their Psi attacks with HP once their Psi points are depleted, now also applies to charging ranged attacks for the Psychostatic Cutter, affording another option to players who like to live dangerously. Alas, players can also no longer cheese the Moonshark enemy by setting it on fire and then running away since all fire effects will now cancel when the Moonshark burrows underground.

As for the new cosmetics, players can now adorn their pet Mimic with two new head ornaments: a bucket and a propeller beanie. The pet Operator can also be spruced up with Elder Scrolls Online, Wolfenstein, and ‘Save the Typhon’ GDQ skins (joining previously available skins such as Doom and Dishonored variants). Lastly, players can now apply a new series of ‘Kasma Corp.’ weapon skins to the Silenced Pistol, Huntress Boltcaster, Disruptor Stun Gun, and Psychostatic Cutter. The full patch notes for the Blue Moon update can be found here.

Speaking of The Elder Scrolls Online, Bethesda recently unveiled a new character profile for the game’s upcoming Wolfhunter DLC. Unfortunately, Bethesda also recently put the kibosh on any hopes for a potential remaster of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.