The New Progression System Coming to Gwent in Homecoming

Although the upcoming release of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is getting much more attention, there is also a major update coming to Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. Thronebreaker was originally intended to be a part of Homecoming, which is the full release version of Gwent. Homecoming is bringing some major changes to the popular card game, and CD Projekt Red has released new details about the revised progression system in a recent news post.

The Gwent Menu Has a New Layout in Homecoming

The New Gwent Progression System in Homecoming

The post starts by showing off the new “Welcome Back” Screen and Main Menu. The Welcome Back screen will show your Daily Quests, Daily Crown progress, and your current rank and level. You’ll be able to reroll quests here too. The game’s player profile has also been redesigned to include more details and options; you can now pin up to 3 achievements to your public profile, and track up to 5 achievements in order to get in-game notifications.

Level progression in Gwent will get a major redesign in Homecoming; “The overall levelling experience is now faster and the level cap has been decreased from 100 to 60,” explains CD Projekt Red; “After that, you get access to prestige – meaning that once you reach the maximum level, you can level up again, become level 1 prestige 1 and gain permanent bonuses!”

Rather than being in-game benefits, these bonuses allow you to do more in-between matches or gain bonus rewards. For instance, after you get your first prestige level, you are guaranteed at least 1 rare card in your first 4 cards. Other prestige rewards include daily reward upgrades for Small Ore, Small Scraps, and Small Powder, bonus Reward Points, and the ability to reroll your daily quests twice. The topmost reward for 10 prestige gives you; “Keg Card Choice Upgrade – guaranteed at least one Premium choice”; Note that your current level in Gwent will not reset with the launch of Gwent. Instead, if you are currently above level 60, you will become prestige 1 automatically.

The Gwent Progression System Now Features Prestige Tiers

The New Gwent Reward Book

A new feature in Homecoming, the Reward Book tracks your achievements, level-ups, reward points, and more. It also includes a tree for each of the game’s Leaders and factions. There will also be seasonal trees coming to the book at a later date. Completing trees in the Reward Book can award you with bonus rewards; “faction-specific kegs, Premium kegs, Scraps, Meteorite Powder, Ore, and Leader skins.”

The New Gwent Ranked System

Like progression, the ranked system in Gwent will also get a major overhaul in Homecoming. You will start automatically at rank 30 and progress downwards towards rank 1. Each rank is divided into 5 pieces in a stained glass tile. You will gain a piece for each victory, and lose a piece for each loss. If you win three matches in a row, you’ll earn a bonus piece. Each of the tiles corresponds to an in-game character avatar, and completing the tile unlocks the avatar. At ranks 30 – 26, you cannot drop down a rank. At rank 25 – 15 you will only drop a rank if you lose two matches in a row. There are no special rules at rank 14 – 8. At rank 7 – 1, everything is the same, but you no longer get bonus pieces for winning 3 matches in a row. Note that fMMR will only be available once you reach level 25.

The New Homecoming Update for Gwent Includes a Ranked Revision