Rainbow Six Siege Year 1 Operators Get a Multi-Month Discount

The roster of playable Rainbow Six Siege operators is continuously expanding, with the most recent additions being Operation Grim Sky’s Clash and Maverick. However, unlocking the game’s full roster can be a pricey and/or time-consuming endeavor, especially since there are now three content years worth of operators to unlock. Fortunately, developer Ubisoft has decided to make the going a little easier with an ongoing discount for all Year 1 DLC operators.

According to this post on the Rainbow Six Siege website, Ubisoft has implemented a sweeping discount for all of the game’s Year 1 operators which is live now and will remain so for quite some time. The discount isn’t set to end until March 4, 2019, so if you’d rather unlock the operators by grinding out the necessary Renown (in-game currency), you won’t have to rush.

All of Rainbow Six Siege's Year 1 operators have been discounted.

The discount has lowered both the Renown price and the R6 Credit (premium currency) price for all Year 1 operators from the usual 25,000 Renown/600 R6 Credits to 15,000 Renown/360 R6 Credits. For reference, the roster of Year 1 operators for Rainbow Six Siege includes the following:

  • Frost
  • Buck
  • Valkyrie
  • Blackbeard
  • Caveira
  • Capitao
  • Hibana
  • Echo

Sadly, the discount only applies to Year 1 operators, which means you’ll still have to pay full price if you want to add Year 2 additions such as Vigil, Mira, Lesion, or Jackal to your operator roster. You can, however, save a little money and effort if you want to unlock the Year 3 operators by purchasing Siege’s Year 3 pass. The game’s Year 3 operators, which are still in the process of being rolled out, can technically be purchased individually, but Year 3 pass owners get instant access to them an entire week before their public availability.

No matter which operators you prefer to use, you can up your competitive Rainbow Six Siege skills by checking out these Ubisoft-sanctioned tips and strategies for the game’s PvP component.