Rumor: Rainbow Six Siege’s New Attacker Operator Will Be Called Maverick

Last week, Ubisoft officially unveiled Operation Grim Sky, the latest seasonal content update for Rainbow Six Siege which, among other things, will add in two new playable operators. Thanks to an even more recent reveal, we now know that Operation Grim Sky’s new Defender operator will be a tough-as-nails Scotland Yard officer named Clash, and it looks like intrepid internet sleuths have already figured out the identity of the update’s new Attacker operator as well.

A Hereford Base redesign will also be part of Operation Grim Sky.

Keyword tags hidden in the source code of Clash’s YouTube reveal trailer make reference to a “new operator maverick,” seeming to suggest that Maverick will be the designation assigned to Operation Grim Sky’s new Attacker operator. A clever Redditor also discovered via some URL manipulation that Ubisoft could be prepping a similar reveal blog post for Maverick as the one Clash recently got.

The Maverick designation would fall in line with what we already know about the new Attacker operator, namely that he’s a former Delta Forces member of American nationality. The initial Operation Grim Sky tease also hinted that the new Attacker will wield some sort of blowtorch gadget, suggesting that he’ll be a hard breacher along the same lines as existing operators Thermite and Hibana. We’ll likely find out more about Maverick (if that is indeed his name) over the coming days, and we’ll definitely learn more when Ubisoft hosts a full unveiling of Operation Grim Sky during this upcoming weekend’s Paris Major Rainbow Six Siege tournament.

Along with the two new operators, Operation Grim Sky’s other major addition will be a rework of the existing Hereford Base map. As you can see in the above video, the rework basically reimagines the map in a WWII aesthetic, complete with brick buildings, vintage cars, and parked fighter planes. Ubisoft says that its goal with the reworked Hereford Base map was to retain the “soul” of what made the map so popular while also giving it a fresh coat of paint, so to speak.