If Redfall Isn’t Elder Scrolls 6, What Could it Be?

It recently emerged that Bethesda filed a new trademark last week; “Redfall“. The trademark, which was very ambiguously worded so as to avoid using any specific game titles, has prompted widespread speculation. The prevailing theory is that it is the actual title of The Elder Scrolls 6. That would certainly make sense given that Hammerfell is the most likely setting for that game. However, we cannot know for sure, and there are other possibilities.

The Other Possibilities for Redfall

If Redfall is not the title of The Elder Scrolls 6, there are other games which it could appear in. The second most likely possibility is that Redfall could be the name of an upcoming DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online. Given the secrecy surrounding the trademark, it seems likely that a Redfall DLC would be a major region DLC along the same lines as the Summerset DLC; i.e. bigger than both Wolfhunter and Murkmire. Although Murkmire is sizeable, it isn’t quite as large as a full region DLC. Given that Summerset released months ago, it’s possible that Bethesda have another big DLC in the works.

Redfall Could be the Name of an Elder Scrolls Online DLC

Beyond that, it’s possible that Redfall could be something for The Elder Scrolls Legends, but given the state of that game at the moment, this seems very unlikely. While it’s certainly possible that the name could actually have nothing to do with Elder Scrolls, the similarities between “Redfall” and the words “Hammerfell” and “Redguards” are clear. It would be surprising indeed if it were the name of a Fallout 76 DLC or some other unrelated project.

Finally, there is always the possibility that Redfall is the name of an upcoming game which has yet to be announced. Bethesda does not frequently release new IPs; Starfield will be their first new IP for decades. However, it should be noted that the trademark was filed by Bethesda’s parent company; ZeniMax Media Inc. It wasn’t filed specifically by Bethesda Game Studios. As such, it could be the name of a project from an external studio, or something related to the existing third-party franchises published by Bethesda; Doom, Rage, Prey, Wolfenstein, and so on.