Respawn Launches New Apex Legends Voidwalker Event

Following the recent Iron Crown Collection Event, Respawn has announced another Apex Legends event almost immediately. Starting today and set to last for the next two weeks, the Apex Legends Voidwalker Event is themed around Wraith. It seems to be following the same format as the Iron Crown, albeit with some key changes to the formula.

What is the Apex Legends Voidwalker Event?

Although the Iron Crown Collection Event was reportedly a success commercially-speaking for Respawn, the event also proved to be something of a PR disaster. Not only did Respawn break a pledge about how they would handle microtransactions in the game, but dev comments later made on Reddit forced the studio to make a second public apology in less than a week.

Apex Legends Voidwalker Event Announced

With the launch of Voidwalker, it seems that Respawn plans to re-use the format of Iron Crown to some extent to run more events themed around different Legends. Iron Crown, for instance, featured a “Town Takeover” for Octane. Voidwalker features a similar takeover for Wraith. “Syndicate construction crews have unearthed part of a decayred Project: Wraith facility in Kings Canyon,” explains Respawn; “Jump in to discover for yourself the mysterious remains of the research site, including a functional prototype portal that can be used to get an early jump on the base – or to escape and reinitiate skydive.”

A New Mode and New Cosmetics

The event starts today, on the 3rd of September, and will conclude on the 17th. During that time, a special Limited-Time Mode called Armed and Dangerous will be available. This restricts weapons to snipers and shotguns while reducing overall loot in-game. Respawn will also be running in-game surveys to gauge player opinion on the new features. Like Iron Crown, Voidwalker also features event-specific loot. However, new Wraith-themed content is tied to completing in-game challenges rather than Apex Packs. One example is the Wraith Music Pack which players can unlock by winning any mode at least once with three different characters.

Apex Legends Voidwalker Event Direct Purchase Shop

Some extra cosmetics will be available from a Direct Purchase Shop. Four items will be available from the 3rd to the 10th; the RE-45 Gnarly weapon skin, Lifeline’s Blossom skin, and Gibraltar’s Hardline skin. Then the Void Shadow Wraith Frame, Prowler Night Light weapon skin, and Bangalore’ Counter-Culture skin will be available from the 10th to the 17th. The new Wraith Voidwalker skin will be available through both periods. Six more new legendary items are now in the core loot pool too. Players will be able to get these via packs or via crafting.