Respawn Announces One-Week Extension to Apex Legends Season 4

With Season 5 now less than two weeks away, Apex Legends Season 4 is finally on the verge of coming to an end. However, Respawn is giving players a bit of extra time to finish their Season 4 Battle Pass or compete a bit more in the current Ranked Series; the studio has announced a one-week extension to Season 4.

One-Week Extension for Apex Legends Season 4

The announcement came alongside the recent launch of the Apex Legends Battle Armor event; a new two-week event which will be spanning the end of Season 4 and the first three days of Season 5. Writing on the announcement post for that event, Design Director Jason McCord also stated; “We’re also extending Season 4 by one week, giving those who want to grind out their Battle Pass or try and hit that next level of Ranked a little more time to do so before Season 5 kicks off on May 12.”

Apex Legends Season 4 Extended by One Week

This new announcement should give players even more incentive to try the new Battle Armor mode over the next two weeks; since they’ll still be able to progress through their Battle Pass for a little longer. The new mode, which is the only new feature of the Battle Armor event, drops all players into the match with P2020s and also restricts the armor loot across the map to a single type. The specific type will be changing every three days. For the final three days of the event, the type will be ‘Evo Armor,’ an all-new item based on the Evo Shields from the System Override event; they start out as strong as White armor, but can grow stronger than Purple armor if you deal enough damage to enemies.

Apex Legends Season 5 is due to start officially on the 12th of May. Thus far, Respawn hasn’t revealed much about what players can expect, although data-mining has indicated that Loba is the next upcoming new Legend. (Bearing in mind that Respawn has intentionally misled data-miners before, so this may not be wholly accurate).