Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – How to Beat Juzou the Drunkard

Juzou the Drunkard is an early-game Sekiro boss who seems quite intimidating at first. This is thanks mainly to his large size but also the numerous enemy henchmen who surround him. As with most Sekiro fights, Juzou can be tough customer, unless you take the time to adequately prepare.

Sekiro: Defeating Juzou the Drunkard

Sekiro Juzou the Drunkard boss fight

Standing near Juzou’s position is an NPC ally named Nogami Gensai. After speaking with Gensai, he’ll charge into battle and aid you in the fight against Juzou. However, even with Gensai supporting you you’ll be cut to ribbons if you take on Juzou and all his friends.

What you’ll want to do instead is use stealth to thin Juzou’s ranks before you speak with Gensai. Head around to the left of Juzou’s position to find a roofed passageway. There are a few guards in the passageway and the passageway itself leads over to the side of Juzou’s hangout spot.

Use the passageway along with stealth and hit-and-run tactics to slowly eliminate Juzou’s bodyguards. If you’re detected, you can just run away until Juzou and his men lose interest in pursuing you. Just be sure to wait until their yellow “caution” states go away to ensure you’re not detected when you return.

Once Juzou is alone, you can activate your NPC ally Gensai. Even with Gensai Juzou is no pushover, but turning the fight into a two-versus-one battle makes it much easier. A good tactic is to basically “trade” Juzou’s attention with Gensai. If Juzou is focused on Gensai, slice up his backside with your sword. If Juzou’s attacking you, just back up and avoid his attacks until Gensai rushes back in to distract him.

Avoiding Juzou’s wide, sweeping sword swings is naturally a good idea, but those aren’t his only attacks. Make sure you also steer clear of the sake he spits on the ground since it can poison you. If you have any antidote items on you, equipping them beforehand isn’t a bad idea either.

For more on Sekiro be sure to read our Chained Ogre boss guide and to watch this gameplay overview trailer.