Where to Find Lapis Lazuli in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is now available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. As players begin to go through this grueling game, they are met with a Dark and Demon Souls-like experience. It’s insanely challenging but rewarding and addictive as well. However, one way to get better at the game is to upgrade your stuff. But you’ll need some Sekiro Lapis Lazuli material.

In this guide for Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, we are going to let you know where to find the Sekiro Lapis Lazuli material. This is a very important material for players who are looking to upgrade their equipment. Specifically, we mean the prosthetics that the main character has. That is the main source of upgrades. Here’s what you need to know.

Where to Find Sekiro Lapis Lazuli Locations

sekiro lapis lazuli

You are going to need this material if you are looking to upgrade your gear and get stronger. For the most part, you are going to get this material from killing certain enemies. You will find some guaranteed from certain enemies while others will give you a chance at getting it. Read on below for the locations for Sekiro Lapis Lazuli we know of currently, courtesy of the Sekiro Wiki.

  • One dropped by Shichimen Warrior, found at the base of a waterfall in the Fountainhead Palace area.
  • Two dropped by Demon of Hatred, found at the Ashina Castle Grounds late in the game.
  • Two purchasable from the Fountainhead Pot Noble for 6 Carp Scales each.
    • If the Fountainhead Pot Noble dies due to feeding the Hirata Pot Noble’s ‘Truly Precious Bait’ to the Great Colored Carp, the latter will inherit the former’s stock, including the Lapis Lazuli.
  • One given by either of the Pot Nobles after feeding their ‘Truly Precious Bait’ to the Great Colored Carp.
  • Extremely rare drop from Okami Warriors in Fountainhead Palace (may need Bell Curse to drop)