Xbox One Games With Gold December 2018 Free Games: What to Expect Next Month

Looking forward to finding out which Xbox Games with Gold December 2018 free games we’ll be playing? So are we. While we hold our breaths with anticipation, we have put together a list of predictions for what is coming up.

Xbox Live Games with Gold December 2018 Free Games: When To Expect December’s Free Games Announcement

The Xbox Live Games with Gold announcement usually shows up anywhere from the middle to the end of the preceding month. Obviously, we still have not seen the announcement for December, so it should show up any day now.

Xbox Live Games with Gold December 2018 Free Games: November Selection

Here are the Xbox titles which are free with Games with Gold for November:

Xbox One

Battlefield 1
• Race the Sun

Xbox 360

• Dante’s Inferno

Do not miss out on your chance to play these exciting games while they are free to subscribers.

Xbox Live Games with Gold December 2018 Free Games: December Predictions

Xbox One Games With Gold December 2018 Free Games

So which free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games might be in our immediate future? To make our predictions, we are looking forward toward upcoming game releases slated for February of next year (January is a pretty quiet month for game releases in 2019).

One prediction for December’s free games list is No Man’s Sky. While this game’s reception suffered largely due to its over-the-top hype, many players since have re-evaluated it and enjoyed it. Offering this game for free next month could help build anticipation for the space-themed sandbox game Astroneer which is coming out on Xbox One and PC on February 6th.

Our next prediction is Ride or Ride 2. Ride 3 comes out this month, and another motorcycle racing game called Trials Rising is going to release on February 12th of next year for Xbox One and all other major platforms. Making Ride or Ride 2 free through Xbox Games with Gold would help draw attention to both of these games.

The third installment of the action-adventure series Crackdown is set to release on February 15th on Xbox One and PC. So our next prediction is either the original Crackdown or Crackdown 2. Either would make a welcome addition to the free games list. Plus, Crackdown was featured back in 2013. That means that there is precedent, but sufficient time has passed to offer it again.

For an indie game for next month, our prediction is Gorogoa. Jason Roberts developed this beautiful puzzle game with unique mechanics and stunning imagery. It initially released in December 2017 on Windows PC, iOS and Switch, releasing in May of this year on Xbox One and PS4. It may be a bit soon to offer it for free, so if we do not see it in December this year, perhaps we will see it in 2019.

We hope you enjoyed this list of predictions for Xbox Games with Gold December free games! Check in with Microsoft and stop by our site again soon to find out what free games we will get to play.