You Can Break Fortnite’s Dusty Divot Meteor Using the Shopping Cart

The shopping carts that were just recently added to Fortnite don’t exactly always work properly, and can be counted on lately to glitch out a bit. They’ve glitched out a lot, ite seems, when it comes to the meteor smack dab in the midldle of the Dusty Divot area. In fact, due to several bugs, it’s possible to use the carts to destroy the meteor itself and see what’s inside…except, it doesn’t exactly do that. It does something though, that’s for sure.

Got inside the Wailing Woods bunker with a shopping cart from FortNiteBR

There’s a video that was posted to Reddit via user “toxicgiraffe” with good footage of him and the rest of his Fortnite squad breaking up the meteor, which just removes it from the game. You can sure have a ton of fun running into it with the carts, though, and that’s what Fortnite is all about in the end, right?

It is, however, disappointing that you can’t really see anything inside of the meteor, which people have been hoping you could do for quite some time. This obviously isn’t a sanctioned use of the shopping carts, of course, but it would have been a lot more interesting if it were. Perhaps instead of a glitch, however, it’s a harbinger of what’s to come in the future. Maybe Epic Games wants people to try and break things open with carts. Maybe they have more of a purpose than we once thought.

Dusty Divot Meteor

We’ll have to keep an eye out for other strange occurrences like this one and see if Epic Games originally gives us something more to do with them instead of just presenting us with “nothing,” like what we saw inside the meteor. You’re not fooling us anyway, guys, we know there’s something weird in there, and it’ll all be revealed soon.