New Cyberpunk 2077 Update Looks at Gun Laws in Night City

After the release of the Cyberpunk 2077 story trailer at E3, CD Projekt Red started a new blog. Receiving frequent updates, the blog series seeks to go through the whole trailer frame-by-frame, giving fans insight into the world and its lore. A new post, Episode 09, takes a look at the Cyberpunk 2077 gun laws. As one might expect given the trailer, they aren’t exactly strict.

The Cyberpunk 2077 Gun Laws in Night City

Episode 09 of CD Projekt Red’s frame-by-frame blog series turns its attention to gun laws in Night City… or more accurately, the near lack of them. Guns certainly featured heavily in the story trailer. However, the blog makes it clear just how much a part of everyday life firearms are.

The Cyberpunk 2077 Gun Laws Explain How V Will Be Able to Carry Firearms Easily

“Gun laws are lax in Night City,” it states; “anyone can own a gun. And thanks to frequent riots and the daily threat of violence, just about everyone does. Open carry of firearms is commonplace and many even wear bulletproof clothing as they go about their lives – just in case.” That would certainly explain the seemingly brazen displays of firearms throughout the trailer. It will likely also explain how the protagonist, V, is able to carry relatively large firearms during gameplay without standing out too dramatically from the crowds.

“No one bats an eye at a pistol here or a rifle there.” continues the blog; “To stay alive, you need to look out for yourself… Even if that sometimes means turning a blind eye to the constant violence happening all around.” It seems V shouldn’t necessarily expect any help when attacked by enemies on the streets of Night City; as was implied is likely to happen, and a reason why CD Projekt Red opted for a first-person perspective. (So that players couldn’t always see an attack coming.) Players will need to be vigilant and self-reliant to survive in the underbelly of Night City.