Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord Location: Where to Complete This Wanted Bounty

There is so much content to complete right now in Destiny 2 because of the latest patch notes like the Izanami Forge. In addition to the new content, the weekly Wanted bounties are still continuing. Each week, there is a recycling of familiar bounties that released with the Forsaken expansion. This week’s bounties, in particular, includes the Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord bounty.

This bounty is a rather interesting one compared to others. For one, it is actually an Adventure mission that you will need to take on. Also, it is one of the more challenging fights compared to some of the others we’ve covered recently. But before you can even take on the Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord, you need to know where the enemy is.

Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord Location

Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord location

First and foremost, we are going to need the Wanted bounty before we can complete it. Like the others, all you need to do is pay a visit to the Spider in the Tangled Shore. You can purchase this particular bounty for a few Ghost Fragments. These are found by doing public events, patrols, and the like. Once you have it, you are ready to complete the bounty.

With it, you are going to want to bring up the destination map. From there, you are going to need to head to the planet Nessus. The exact location for the Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord is in the Glade of Echoes. You will find the Adventure mission there. Start it and then you will need to head into the Lost Sector called The Carrion Pit.

Be prepared for a pretty tough fight against the Destiny 2 Arcadian Chord here. There is a strong shield you will have to contend with. In addition, there is a constant stream of Vex adds that will show up to cause you trouble. Focus on his shield while taking out adds and you will get this bounty done eventually.