Fallout 4: New Vegas Hiring for Voice Work and Addressing Misconceptions

The Fallout 4: New Vegas mod team recently showed their first true gameplay demo; a 10-minute video showcase of character creation. One aspect which featured in the demo for the first time was the studio’s new voice recording; some time ago, a debate revolving around another mod project led Bethesda to clarify that mod users would not be allowed to put lines of dialogue from one game into another. In that case, it led to the mod project in question shutting down. In the case of Fallout 4: New Vegas, the modders resolved to re-record the entirety of Fallout: New Vegas, and to that end, they are now looking to expand their voice cast.

Fallout 4: New Vegas Now Hiring

Now that the Fallout 4: New Vegas are at the point to start recording lines of dialogue, they are expanding their existing cast of voice actors. The team invites interested voice actors to apply for an audition either here or here.

The Fallout 4 New Vegas Mod Will Not Release on Consoles

Addressing Misconceptions About Fallout 4: New Vegas

In addition, the team recently made an update which aimed to address certain misconceptions which some fans seem to have about the project. Namely, these concern the mod’s release date and the possibility of console ports. A recent video showed a member of the team playing the mod using a controller, and some fans seemed to assume that they were playing on a console. This was not the case; “Unfortunately,” says the update; “we are still unable to release F4NV on consoles. The use of a controller was intended to create smoother motion, and allow those who may be prone to motion sickness to enjoy our trailer without feeling ill. That said, F4NV *will* be compatible with controllers wherever possible, so that those who prefer to play on a controller over keyboard and mouse will still be able to.”

The second clarification concerns the mod’s release date; “we have a lot of people asking about a potential release date,” continues the update; “As it is, F4NV still has no projected release date at this time, and isn’t likely to have on set for quite some time either. We appreciate everybody’s excitement about F4NV, but with a project like this we’d rather take our time and get things right than rush it out.”