Fallout 76 Patch 7.5 Brings Survival Mode and Adventure Mode Changes

Following the recent release of Patch 7, Bethesda has now released Fallout 76 Patch 7.5. Coming as the next key patch of Wild Appalachia, the game’s first ongoing DLC release, and it brings the next major part of that new context; the Fallout 76 Survival Mode. This new PvP-intensive way to play the game isn’t the only thing it contains, however. It also brings several bug-fixes and a variety of tweaks to the existing Adventure Mode.

What’s New in Fallout 76 Patch 7.5?

The headline feature of Fallout 76 Patch 7.5 is, of course, the Fallout 76 Survival Mode. Currently available in Beta, this mode allows players with more interest in serious PvP to play the game with much greater risk but greater potential for rewards. Survival Mode is available from the main menu and doesn’t require players to start a new game. However, the addition of Survival Mode has also brought a series of alterations to the existing way to play the game; ‘Adventure Mode’. With more hardcore PvP options now available, PvP in Adventure Mode is getting even more restrictions.

Fallout 76 Patch Adds Survival Mode

The big change is that so-called “slap damage” has been cut from the game. Until now, players did significantly reduced damage to other players until they attacked back. Now, it will be impossible for players to damage other players unless that other player attacks them back; “Returning fire against another player will still mark you as hostile toward them,” explains Bethesda; “and will cause you to take full damage from their attacks”. The studio has said that a future update will extend this protection to player C.A.M.P.s as well.

More PvP changes include a major adjustment to PvP damage which limits the amount of damage a single shot can deal. This applies in both Adventure and Survival Mode, and is designed to make one-shot kills far less likely. Additionally, the period of invulnerability after fast travelling has been slightly extended. However, if you fire a weapon during this time, it immediately ends. In addition to these new PvP changes and Survival Mode, Patch 7.5 also brings several fixes to improve server stability, as well as some UI-related bug fixes.