Here Are The Best Pokemon GO Mewtwo Raid Counters

Pokemon GO Mewtwo regular raids are now available, letting you catch the legendary Pokemon and complete your Kanto Pokedex. The event is part of the Ultra Bonus reward that was unlocked a few days ago thanks to the cooperative actions of players all over the world. Do you find it struggling to counter Mewtwo during its raids? Let’s see how you can fight your way through it easily.

Even with a counter guide, the Pokemon GO Mewtwo raid isn’t a stroll in the park. It is probably the most difficult battle in the game and will require top tier counters in order to bring it down if you don’t have a powerful full manned team. If you want to fully optimise your battle though, the Pokemon GO Hub has created an in depth counter guide, to help you find the best team to use in Mewtwo raids. Let’s see what the guys came up with:

Tyranitar is overall the best option against Mewtwo. With great stats and a decent moveset, Tyranitar is definitely a solid counter. Not only does it resist Hyper Beam and Shadow Ball, but it also double resists all psychic type moves. Unfortunately, it takes double super effective damage from Focus Blast, so keep that in mind!

Gengar is the best option from a time to win perspective. Actually, it is the only Pokémon capable of duoing Mewtwo. However, there are several limiting factors. First of all, Gengar is not only a glass cannon but also weak to psychic type moves, which makes things even worse. Furthermore, Confusion is a heavy-hitting fast move and even at level 40, Gengar won’t be able to take more than 4 or 5 hits. As a general rule, it is only advisable to use Gengar when Mewtwo’s fast move is Psycho Cut and its charge move is either Focus Blast (which is TRIPLE resisted by Gengar) or Hyper Beam (double resisted). Luckily, it is great in a specific scenario where Tyranitar does not perform that well.

Mewtwo can counter itself? Yes indeed! You can in fact use Mewtwo to counter Mewtwo by using Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball. If you remember from the previous section, this is scenario #1 (psychic type moves are resisted but ghost type moves deal super effective damage), and that’s why we use this specific moveset.

Rayquaza can be picked as an outstanding generalist. It won’t deal super effective damage but its great attack stat and moveset make it an interesting choice nonetheless. In Windy weather, it can be considered as a Supreme Counter.

Additionally, Absol, Houndoom, Pinsir, Scizor and Dragonite are also viable counters for the Pokemon GO Mewtwo raids so if you’re missing any of the featured Pokemon mentioned above, you can stack some of those and be fairly succesful as well.

Note that all Mewtwo caught during the regular raids will not have the Hyper Beam or Shadow Ball charged attacks and both of them are now deemed as legacy moves. That means that you’ll waste charged TM if you use them on your non EX-Raid Mewtwo.

If you miss out on getting the legendary pokemon at first don’t get discouraged. You have until the end of the month to obtain him through regular 5 star raids. Go catch them all trainers!