Ever since Rage 2 was originally announced, publisher Bethesda has repeatedly hammered home one key point: the game is chaotic. Explosions, foul language, gratuitous violence, snarky characters, these are just some elements that make up Rage 2’s dynamically dangerous landscape. It makes sense, then, that Bethesda went and swung for the fences with Rage 2’s launch trailer as well.
Rage 2 Launch Trailer

The best way to succinctly describe Rage 2’s launch trailer is as a sort of reverse-time lapse. The trailer opens up by introducing the main villain: General Cross, head of The Authority. Cross will happily thrash playable protagonist Walker in a 1v1 showdown, but players have to reach said showdown first. To do that, they’ll explore a vast post-apocalyptic wasteland that’s teeming with hostile factions.
As the trailer shows, Walker will meet some (semi) friendly faces as well. Of course, said friendly faces will also put Walker to work, proving that even friendship isn’t free in Rage 2. Those who played the original Rage might even spot a few familiar characters skulking about the wasteland.
And speaking of the original Rage, the back half of the launch trailer is where things go off the rails. Bethesda uses the trailer to once again poke fun at fans and critics by referencing real-life flubs and foibles. Walmart Canada accidently spoiling the sequel’s announcement and critics lambasting Rage’s “lame” ending are just some of the trailer’s highlights. Then, just for the hell of it, the trailer goes back even further, showing the creation of the universe. We did say this trailer is absolutely bonkers, right?
There’s still technically time to pre-order Rage 2 if you haven’t done so already. In fact, if you pre-order from Green Man Gaming, you can score a free copy of the original Rage. There are plenty of other pre-order incentives as well in case a so-so 2011 shooter doesn’t interest you.
Rage 2 launches tomorrow, May 14, for PC and consoles.