Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Bar Glitch: How to Glitch for Tons of Money

The Red Dead Redemption 2 gold bar glitch is a recently discovered exploit in the game. This glitch allows you to collect a nearly endless amount of money for use towards upgrades, new guns, and so much more. The best part? It can be used near the very beginning of the game so that you don’t have to worry about cash for a long time.

This Red Dead Redemption 2 gold bar glitch is essentially an item duplication glitch. These glitches are pretty common in games (at least at first) as they allow you to multiply a certain item. In this case, you are able to do it with the gold bar, which makes this particular glitch worthwhile. That’s because every single gold bar is worth $500.

How to Do the Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Bar Glitch

Red Dead Redemption 2 gold bar glitch

You can do this glitch for yourself basically once you’re in chapter two. All you need to do is head to the small burned down, abandoned town of Limpany. It is located just southwest of your camp at Horseshoe Overlook. It’s pretty hard to miss considering it is just a minute away and right next to the river.

Once you arrive, head to the burned down Sheriff’s office. In here, there is a lockbox found underneath the desk. The lockbox contains the gold bar that we want. What you are going to do is interact to open the lockbox and then interact with the gold bar but before the animation completes, pause the game and save the game. Do not pick up the pamphlet also in the lockbox or else it will prevent you from getting unlimited gold bars

After you have saved, go back and reload that same save immediately. Once you reappear in the game, head back to Limpany and open up the lockbox once more. This will complete the glitch. You should empty out your satchel by putting stuff in your horse’s cargo. Then pick up as many gold bars as you can possibly carry and you’ll have oodles of money. This glitch can be done again with other similar spots but hurry as it is possible Rockstar will patch this glitch out.