A Second Legend Might Actually be Coming in Apex Legends Season 4

Yesterday, Respawn released the first official details of what’s coming in Apex Legends Season 4. While there will be a new sniper rifle and some changes to Ranked play, the biggest new announcement was, of course, the upcoming addition of Forge as a new playable Legend. However, it seems that Respawn may actually be planning to release a second Legend during Season 4; the robotic Legend known as Revenant.

Is Respawn Subtly Teasing Revenant Coming to Apex Legends?

Respawn has a reputation for subtly teasing upcoming content, often through hidden references in map content and the like. In the lead-up to Season 4, fans have uncovered several such references pointing to the addition of a new Legend, but these references weren’t actually for Forge. Rather, they were for Revenant. Furthermore, keenly investigative fans noted that with a small change to the URL of this promotional image (changing the 6 to a 7), there appears to be official reveal artwork for Revenant himself. In fact, another fan noticed that what seems to be Revenant’s silhouette can be seen in the background of the Season 4 blog page.

Apex Legends Revenant Second Legend in Season 4 2

Of course, Revenant isn’t yet playable, but gamers who have been playing Apex Legends since at least October may have encountered him before. The robotic character made an appearance as the spooky narrator of the Shadowfall game mode; a mode which was only available during the Fight or Fright event. As for when Revenant might get added, it does now look very likely that he will come at some point during Season 4. However, he may not be available at launch.

Rather, it’s possible that Respawn will save Revenant’s launch for midway through the season. In fact, the studio is changing Ranked play this season to feature a split halfway through the season. That could certainly be an ideal time to release new content. Alternatively, data-miners have reportedly uncovered voice lines for Revenant which reference Valentine’s Day; another possibility for when the robot will arrive (particularly if Respawn have a Valentine’s event of some sort.) For now, fans will have to wait and see.