New Title Update for Far Cry 5 Lets You Dress as Vaas

Ubisoft has released the latest patch for Far Cry 5; Title Update 7. This new content update includes numerous bug-fixes and performance tweaks. More noticeably, it also adds a mass of new items to the game’s Arcade Mode, plus new Special Outfits; all of these are drawn from either Far Cry 3 or Assassin’s Creed Origins.

The full patch notes for Update 7 are available here. The new assets which have been added to the Arcade Mode’s Map Editor are all drawn from Assassin’s Creed Origins. The update mirrors the format of Title Update 6, which added new assets to the Editor and also a number of new special outfits. Those outfits were drawn from Far Cry 5 itself; adding options to dress as Sheriff Whitehorse, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, and Jess Black. More notably, however, it added outfits for Amita and Pagan Min, major characters from Far Cry 4.

Ubisoft Releases Title Update 7 for Far Cry 5

Title Update 7’s Special Outfits

The new outfits in Title Update 7 allow players to dress as major characters from the two source games; Assassin’s Creed Origins and Far Cry 3. Male characters can now dress as Bayek, the protagonist from Assassin’s Creed Origins. They can also dress as Vaas, the iconic antagonist from Far Cry 3. Meanwhile, female characters can now dress as Citra and Aya, from the same games.

No doubt the new map assets can be put to good use by Far Cry 5’s dedicated online community of map-builders. Gamers have already created a host of impressive creations using the Map Editor in the game’s Arcade Mode; such as a faithful recreation of Jurassic Park.

Far Cry 5's Map Editor Will Gain a Set of New Assets From Assassin's Creed

Ubisoft, it seems, is committed to introducing new free content even after the release of the game’s first DLC, Hours of Darkness. The studio has run weekly live events ever since the game’s launch, offering new unique rewards in the form of weapons, vehicles, and outfits. With even more outfits and map assets coming in Title Updates, Far Cry 5 players can likely look forward to plenty more content in the near future.