Destiny 2: Every Method to Farm Bright Dust for Shadowkeep

Shadowkeep is the next installment to the Destiny franchise. It’s the first expansion Bungie will be releasing after the Activision-Bungie split. Things are looking pretty solid for Bungie as they’ve made some sound updates to the game already. Changes towards the Eververse economy, adding Armor 2.0 with Shadowkeep and making the base game (with Curse of Osiris and Warmind) totally free to play is definitely the best thing happened. This will also help non-Destiny players to hop on and try the game free of cost without spending any bucks. Along with the Eververse changes, Luke Smith also said that players need to farm as much Bright Dust as they can before Shadowkeep.

Methods to Farm Bright Dust

“Beginning September 17, Eververse items in your Collections will cost Glimmer and Legendary Shards. If you want to keep pulling out that Exotic Sparrow that looks like a motorcycle until you get the good Sparrow perk (Instant Summon), you can do that with Legendary Shards and Glimmer,” said Luke Smith.

So, this means you need to dismantle every Ship, Sparrow and Armor you currently have in Destiny 2 to get farm as much Bright Dust as you can.

1. Dismantle Every Eververse Item

Destiny 2 Bright Dust

Starting with this step, if you go to DIM website, you can dismantle your Eververse items fairly easily. On the search bar, type source:eververse (without spaces). This will highlight every Eververse item you currently own in-game (on all your characters including the vault). Simply, transfer them to your currently logged on character and dismantle it.

2. Expired Prismatic Facet

Destiny 2 Bright Dust

If you have any expired Prismatic Facet, you need to dismantle it for some Bright Dust.

3. Eververse Bounties

Destiny 2 Bright Dust

The best way to earn Bright Dust is from Eververse Bounties. The tree-star bounties grant up to 150 Bright Dust.

4. Farm XP

Every time you level up, you get an Eververse Engram which means more Bright Dust. You can farm XP by completing Weekly and Daily Milestones with Fireteam Medallion active. You can also farm Public events with Fast Travel cheese (spawning in the same area but on a different server).

These are the best ways you can farm Bright Dust in Destiny 2. Shadowkeep launches on Sept. 17, 2019, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, later in November on Google Stadia.