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Everything posted by MelbourneStar585

  1. If we have full dive VR would there still be people living in real life? Maybe it comes down to personal preference? I am referring to VR brain implants, not headsets.i.e sao, the matrix etc Excluding factors such as morals and religion, eating and drinking, bodily functions, need for money, need to reproduce Or we could have the majority people who spend the majority of time in the real world (in other words split time between real life and FIVR), or some people who spend their entire lives in full time. Maybe Full Dive Virtual reality will only serve a niche for addicts, hardcore gamers or scientists who want to explore other planets In VR people can do things such as fly, and do magic effects which can't be done in the real world which increases their happiness. Would we get a 75 percent uptake maybe? Thanks
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