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  1. GameOn


    I great you all..
    2 points
  2. Button

    Hi everyone

    Gamers! Happy to be here
    2 points
  3. For those who don't know, Fallout London is a mod for Fallout 4 that has been in the works for years I believe. The mod has officially dropped and is available for free on GOG currently. They seem to be planning a release for Steam and possibly Epic. But right now the focus seems to be on GOG and Steam. Anyway, a thing of note, if you do download the mod, you will have to downgrade Fallout 4 to an earlier since the recent next gen update the game had. As well, it sounds like you need to also own all the DLC or the Game of the year edition to take full advantage of this DLC. Either on GOG or Steam. They released a trailer for it, and wow, is it ambitious. Check it out below. https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout_london And more on the game release here - https://fallout4london.com/release/
    1 point
  4. I try my hardest to just focus on one game at a time, but most of the time I will pick up a game then put it down and pick up another. Honestly this is why I have such a huge backlog of games and I even own games I've never played in my collection. Right now I'm trying to just focus on beating Doom 64 before I pick up another game.
    1 point
  5. Wow! It's indeed a staggering figure and it's typically because the bundle deals, where games are bought in bundles, and hoping to play the ones you want, but might not end up playing them.
    1 point
  6. Look, ditch the bitch. You have already shown that no amount of money is going to satisfy him. If you give him $2, he's going to bitch about why can't you give him more. If you give him $200 he's going to bitch about if you can afford that much, why don't you give him more. You're being played for a fool by this asshole. Especially once he begins talking shit about you. If he has such little respect for his fans, especially the ones who give him money, then he deserves to lose his entire following and be blacklisted from YouTube. It's why I rarely upload to any of my channels. It's drama that I neither need nor want when you start drawing in the haters. Tell him off in very unfriendly terms if you want, and then abandon and forget him. It seems your asking our permission to drop him. Well, here's my permission. Leave his channel behind and never return to it. Let him piss and moan and call you names. But never return to him for any reason. If you really want to hurt him, talk a a lot of people in the comments section and convince them to ditch his worthless ass.
    1 point
  7. Not going to lie, I'm one of those people. I have a huge backlog of not only games on Steam, but on other platforms and physical games too. They have sales all the time, and people like to take advantage of them.
    1 point
  8. My favorite all time quote is “what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.” This quote has been my favorite for years and has helped me get through so many life obstacles.
    1 point
  9. Shagger

    Enzo Racist Chant

    The fans chanting crap like this horrid, but in a true statement of just how bad football/soccer fans can get, not surprising. For the players to do so is completly unacceptable. They are representing thier country as professional athletes, a major responcibility. Not only is it a mockery of that responcibility for them to partake in such actions, it is (or at least it should be) part of that responcibility to condemn such actions from anyone. To me, it would not be to harsh for Agentenia stripped of the Copa America Cup over this as well as fines and suspensions/bans for the players involved.
    1 point
  10. What is your drink/snack of choice when playing a video game? I'm a big fan of Baja Blast Mountain Dew. However, I try not to drink too much soda so I'll alternate some water and/or gatorade in there as well. As far as snacks go, I don't usually eat a lot of stuff while I'm gaming because I don't want to get a lot of gunk on the controller.
    1 point
  11. Lens

    Michael Jackson Biopic

    That's indeed a great summary. You'll agree that Moonwalker is indeed a unique blend of music, fantasy, and adventure. The good thing is the film showcases Michael Jackson's music and dance skills.
    1 point
  12. I am a very clean person as I like to have everything around me clean, tidy and organized all the time. I don't like when things are misplaced.
    1 point
  13. This is serious! I wonder what could be the end of this person who's doing this kind of thing to you? I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone you've beefed with in one way or another.
    1 point
  14. That's completely understandable becuase it's great to have a preference for GTA V, and that's what makes the gaming world so amazing becuase I know that there's something for everyone.
    1 point
  15. Lens

    Chained Together

    I'm always excited whenever I see games that encourage teamwork. It's definitely a very fantastic way to build communication skills.
    1 point
  16. The Broken Sword is actually a classic adventure game series that's really known for its very engaging storytelling and it also has memorable characters as well.
    1 point
  17. My all time favorite dessert is ice cream cake, followed by cheesecake. Ice cream cake is delicious.
    1 point
  18. I understand your concerns but Microsoft is a big name and it has learned from those experiences, especially from the failed project. Let's hope they gets it right this time.
    1 point
  19. killamch89

    Chained Together

    You should play this with your kids. Trust me, you'll all have loads of fun. It takes a lot of great teamwork to reach really far in this game. Everyone has to be on the same page or else you won't get very far.
    1 point
  20. This is another game I am eagerly wanting to get my hands on! The graphics look amazing and the game itself from the trailer looks like a lot of fun! As someone who grew up on Nintendo and playing Mario games, this one is top of my list to get when I can!
    1 point
  21. It's unfortunate that before he died (which was criminally negligent homicide on the part of his doctor in my opinion. more below) he couldn't do any kind of meet & greet with fans. The danger posed to him, and the godlike worship that posed danger for his fans could have ended up with lost lives. People dropping dead from being able to simply be within arms reach to shake his hand or simply say "Hello" could easily have overloaded said fans heart and caused them to go into cardiac arrest and die on the spot. There are several celebrities I've met, and several others I want to meet. But, despite being in pure shock about a shout out that @Rain Dew got for me for Yule (xmas to you) in 2021 from Roger Clark (RDR2 Arthur Morgan) I don't see them all that different from myself. They still eat, sleep, and shit the same as me. The difference is that they just have a better job. Especially since my crippled ass is stuck in a fucking wheelchair for the rest of my miserable life. more: Propofol to fucking sleep?! There are options that are nowhere near the lethality Propofol posed. It's fucking used as an anesthetic which requires someone called an ANESTHESIOLOGIST just to get the shit right so that a person DOES NOT DIE. Yeah, I'm pissed. Medical malpractice is something that really pisses me off, having been a victim of it myself. Not going into a lot of details, but a doctor prescribing an extremely dangerous dosage of multiple meds all at once? That alone could have killed me. This would have been 20+ years ago. Just a few months after I got clean. There's more instances, but I'm not getting into them. So I don't give a fuck who the doctor is or how well they're thought of, one fuckup like that means they're a goddamn QUACK and need to lose their license and be publicly outed as a QUACK and why.
    1 point
  22. I think at that point, you need to get law enforcement involved. That's illegal to be posting someone's personal details all over the internet without consent and also stalking and harassing someone online is also a crime.
    1 point
  23. Yummy! This looks so delicious. I don’t remember the last time i had a tomato grilled cheese sandwich, but I did have a regular grilled cheese sandwich two weeks ago.
    1 point
  24. There was nothing MJ couldn't do. I watched a documentary on him one time, and it showed women having to be taken out on stretchers just because they actually saw him with their bare eyes. One girl was clutching her Thriller album in her arms and could only say "Michael" all the way to the hospital. I don't think there's any superstar, whether they're an actor, musician, athlete, or anything else that has ever had that kind of effect on a person. It's also been well documented long before he died, that if he ever ended up in a pinch and needed cash, all he had to do was release another album. And with his talent, he could do that in his sleep. The closest any musician ever could have come was back in the 50's with either Elvis or the Beatles. But if you compare them side by side, there is no comparison. Michael Jackson is so far above them that comparing them is a waste of time. You can disagree on who you would prefer to bring back, but you can not manipulate facts to try to make them fit your opinions. Michael Jackson was probably the greatest musical performer we will ever see. I still would want to bring Chester Bennington back, but that doesn't negate the facts in relation to Michael Jackson.
    1 point
  25. Trust me women are often a lot more deceitful. With men, you know immediately what they're after. Sex. With women, it's much more difficult to tell when you're being played. We don't go in strictly for sex the way men do. So there's no telling what a woman is going to do to you to manipulate you for what she wants. But considering that my tits and pussy are all men in my past have ever seen, I have no use for them. Girls you can keep them men all for yourself. I'll stick with women.
    1 point
  26. My mum was like that whenever we went anywhere that had rides and such, she would watch us instead but even found that difficult but my cousin and even my auntie never minded coming on the rides with us.
    1 point
  27. Haha, I love fast food a lot and If it was healthy, I'll eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 🤣
    1 point
  28. Lens


    Anime can be used as escape from reality. I'm currently watching 'Haikyuu!' and it's very hilarious and inspiring at the same time.
    1 point
  29. I'm a horror movie fanatic and The Shining is actially my favourite. That movie is really a masterpiece.
    1 point
  30. Lens

    Ninja Gaiden

    Ninja Gaiden, is truely epic and I remembered back in day when I started with the original NES game. I also remembered dying countless times on the first level, the interesting thing is, it made me more determined to beat it. So interesting 🧐.
    1 point
  31. Yep, more Japanese games 😆 Anyway, that crossover thing isn't anything new. The "Tales of..." series from Bandai Namco does a similar thing with some sort of half baked, alternate universe bullshit just so they can have characters from other Tales games appear in cameo roles, usually as high level optional bosses to fight. I also heard read somewhere the Jecht was meant to be a recurring character in Final Fantasy, but was only ever canonised in the world of FFX. I have NO idea how they were going to make that work.
    1 point
  32. I agree. I've been through a lot and never used to have a lot growing up so I'm grateful for what I have. Get new and better things is always nice but that shouldn't make you neglect what you already had and was serving your needs since day one.
    1 point
  33. I always want a properly cooked food. I don't even think that I can deal with eating food that is not cooked the way that I want at all as it doesn't make me feel quite good.
    1 point
  34. That's the thing with me as well. I want to have some quiet life while making a lot of money. There is no sense in trying to do otherwise at all as it doesn't even make any meaning to me at all.
    1 point
  35. I keep looking how I can explore a vast, creepy environment, searching for the clues and fighting off the zombies. This could definitely be a game-changer for the series.
    1 point
  36. This game is literally the most anticipated game for me right now. What I mean is, there is no one who wouldn't want to survive in a world where sound is their worst enemy. Also, the thought of making sound decisions to help you avoid danger is so thrilling as well
    1 point
  37. I don't know. There are times when some stuff gets leaked. There are other times when people just start rumors to stir the pot or drum up business for that item.
    1 point
  38. Have you met anyone you knew in a multiplayer game offline by complete coincidence? That happened to me in school as a teen. I ran into some other students in the hall who I overheard discussing the MUD I was playing, and we realized we’d met in the game before, but not in real life until that moment.
    1 point
  39. I'll get mad once in while when I'm playing a game but I don't go into a rage when playing. I know some people who have gotten so mad that they have broken controllers before. If you're that mad, you need to take a break to calm down.
    1 point
  40. I don't have a room dedicated to just my video games. I have my PS4 and Switch located in the spare bedroom where I keep my library. I have my Wii U and my husbands X-box 360 hooked up to the tv in the living room. I have my Wii and GameCube hooked up to the tv in the master bedroom. So my consoles are kind of spread out all over the house.
    1 point
  41. I have been part of a choir. I remember auditioning for the school choir with my friends when I was younger and we all managed to get a place in the choir. I remember we were invited to sing as a choir at a local church, this was something we had to practice and rehearse for which took a whole day. Unfortunately, I fell ill towards the end of the day when we were rehearsing and when I got home, became worse which resulted in me missing out performing the following day.
    1 point
  42. Bon Jovi, Queen and Bryan Adams are some of my favourite classic rock artists, I often find myself going back and listening to songs from these artists and often wondering what happened in music and in the music world? It's a shame we don't hear songs like this anymore.
    1 point
  43. The coolest vacation I would say I ever went on was when me and my brothers went on holiday with my mum, dad, auntie and cousin. I remember it being the most fun I had ever had at the vacation. I remember going swimming in the pool at the place we were on vacation and my cousin would go under the water and grab our legs, was scary but a huge adrenaline rush!
    1 point
  44. Shortie

    Remember Burning CDs?

    I remember burning CDs very well! I used to spend hours downloading mp3s to my computer through Napster and then making playlists and burning them to a CD. I have always been someone who has been picky when it comes to albums, most of the time I would buy an album and some of the songs on the album I would never listen to, it made more sense to make playlists of my favourite songs and burn them to a CD.
    1 point
  45. I have a fear of eating any kind of meat that is either still raw or slightly raw, the thought of rare steak is something I have never been able to get behind even though some people seem to love it. I would much rather have my food slightly burnt than slightly raw.
    1 point
  46. Neopets I have heard of and I remember checking that out a while ago. Marapets is one I had not heard of but I will be checking that out. Can never have to many sites to play on I don't believe when it comes to virtual pet sites.
    1 point
  47. Funny story but Batman has actually beaten Darkseid before. Not in terms of physical strength but totally outsmarted him which Superman couldn't manage to do saving Earth in the process. Take a look from this scene in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse:
    1 point
  48. killamch89

    Community Chat #1

    I have a whole tree and had developed an allergy to them. However, I started consuming Spirulina powder daily and my allergic reaction to mangoes completely went away.
    1 point
  49. Yes it did. They’re planning on launching merchandise soon as well. That’s according to their official twitter account. https://x.com/palworld_en/status/1801608541473751095?s=46&t=-3RfDsz97MxZ3hqF7LFYiQ
    1 point
  50. Put it this way, the only way I’ll ever play an RE game again is if it goes open world. For me, the series lost its baddangadang. RE7 was the last I played and it was really scary and no doubt I loved the horror. It was amazing. But where does RE go from that success? I will never sit through another RE game simply because of their run around puzzles. I’m done with it. I hate their puzzles. Not to diss RE, I’m dissing puzzles. It’s not for me. But Ironically, I played RE DLC where a prisoner was bed chained and the puzzle was how to escape. That was fucking amazing. But of course, it was DLC and not the main game. I guess I don’t really hate puzzles, I just hate useless puzzles which RE was always about. Open world it and see what happens. I would be more interested in that. And if you don’t, give us pure life or death puzzles like trying to escape a bed, being fed nasty soup, probably made of human remains. Yeah, if you don’t bring that kind of puzzle, then I’m done with you.
    1 point
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