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  2. [URL=https://matchnow.info] Beautiful Girls from your city[/URL]
  3. Today
  4. As there are times when I want to play every hour, there are also times when I don’t have the desire to even pick up the controller. This can go on for weeks. Does it happen to you too? Are there times when you don’t have the passion to play at all?
  5. I play the Mortal Combat:Deadly alliance on PS2. It has single player and multiplayer and I remember playing it with my school mates years ago. I still play it on a neighbor's PS3. What old games do you still play?
  6. I like making my grilled cheese like this as well or with sliced ham.😄
  7. I’m currently listening to Get paper by Fon check.
  8. Played some For Honor with my gaming buddies and we won every round. It got to a point where we were taking turns soloing this one team because we defeated them really easily.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Fighting with my family (2019) - 9/10
  11. Scorpion King Fast Five The Other Guys The Mummy Returns The Rundown
  12. You can get transparent shells for most electronics like for the Steam Deck as well. It's also easy to install.
  13. I've been rebuilding my Fallout 4 mod list the other day because the newest update broke a lot of my modlists. Hopefully, I can get it finished this weekend and then I'm definitely going to download it.
  14. I have 100s of games I've yet to play on my Steam and it's true. There's usually deals on Steam at every part of the year.
  15. I can see that it's assthetic...Come on. The jokes practically write themselves here.
  16. I've been asking for a remaster of this game for quite some time. I just wish THQ could've reformed and did it instead of Activision because they'll definitely ruin it with lootboxes and microtransactions.
  17. It's a well-made game that's constantly maintained by its developers and it's not full of microtransactions. In addition to that, it incorporate DnD power system which is a really popular board game and power system so of course it'd be very popular.
  18. I like how some phones have HDMI output so your phone can be displayed on a bigger screen. However, most phones don't have the option to do it wired anymore. People usually cast their phone to a smart TV, which is wireless.
  19. Nope. It'll absolutely fall apart if the Microsoft did that and it's exactly why Xbox has chosen to let it remain a multi-platform title. By trying to make it exclusive, they'll end up driving away majority of the player base.
  20. Not really because I only use the Official Xbox controllers when gaming on Xbox or PC. Granted, some other people prefer third-party accessories and they should be allowed to exercise their choice. It's a poor decision by Xbox in my opinion.
  21. Honestly, I stopped caring about the Gamerscore so long ago that I didn't even remember it existed. Granted, it seems to really matter to some people but not me.
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