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  1. Hey, friends I am a big fan of PC gaming but more some games like removed by moderator that we want to play more but we can't play on PC but there also a solution of this problem. Many companies like ten cent make Emulator through which we can Play our favorite games very easily..
  2. Hello! I'm horror_man, project leader of an upcoming horror game called "Devil's Punishment". We're a small indie team of about 12 people that's creating this game, and we've been working on it for a couple of months. The development of the game has reached a state which can be shown to the public, and we've decided to share our game with you all! What is Devil's Punishment? Devil's Punishment is an upcoming sci-fi/post-apocalyptic survival horror 3D game with FPS (First person shooter) mechanics and an original setting and story based in a book scene, where a group of prisoners are left behind in an abandoned underground facility. The game would play similar to Dead Space (but in first person) combined with Penumbra and SCP: Secret Laboratory. In this game we aim to focus in the cooperation of players and PvE. And not only that, we're also trying to create something that's fun, innovative, very challenging and of course very scary. In Devil's Punishment 1000 years have passed since the collision of an asteroid with the Earth. Luckily, before this asteroid impact, a small portion of mankind was saved in a giant spaceship that was launched into space and the crew of it was preserved for all that time. Now after all that time the spaceship finally has got back to the Earth, but there are some people that were able to sneak inside the spaceship the day that mankind was saved. Those same people are now prisoners and are used as cannon fodder for very dangerous tasks. In the game you take the role of one of these prisoners and you are sent to fix an unkwown issue with an underground communications facility, in there you'll find the horrors that lurk in this new Earth and you'll have to try to escape the underground facility alive. The game is currently in development, as I said before, but you can follow our progress and know more details about the game, like some of the mechanics of it, pictures and the lore behind the game, in our gamejolt page here: Click me Any commentaries about the game are greatly appreciated!
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