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RRR - The Movie

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I just watched this on Netflix and it was fantastic.

It's actually an Indian film, and the main characters speak Hindi, I believe. You will want to turn on the English Dub AND subtitles because even the Indian accents on the English dub can be hard to understand.

It's basically a period piece, probably pre-1920's India where the English-speaking white British folks are the bad guys. They are occupying India and steal a little girl from a tribe. The tribe has a warrior/protector/guardian who vows to go to Delhi and rescue her. While the story is fictional, this is based on a true historical person. Another historical person is another legendary person who works as a British police officer. These two end up being the best of friends, not realizing they each work for the opposing side.

They have uncanny strength and skills, and the fighting is unrealistic but in a cool "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" kind of way. There's even a musical number in there to boot too, lol.

Imagine if Jean Valjean and Javert from Les Mis were best friends but didn't know eachothers true identity. That's the core of the plot. And it works!

It's 3 hours, but worth it. You will be glued to the screen the whole time.

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