How to Unlock the New Battlefield 5 Mosquito FB Mk VI

With the start of the new Unstoppable Force event for Battlefield 5, players have a host of new content available for them. The event brings the new Rush game mode, for example, but it also brings two new weekly challenges. Each of these offers a new reward item, the first of which is a new Battlefield 5 aircraft; the Mosquito FB Mk VI. To unlock this plane, players will need to complete its weekly challenge before the 14th of March.

Battlefield 5 Weekly Challenge Focuses on Rush

How to Unlock the Mosquito FB Mk VI, the New Battlefield 5 Aircraft

The Mosquito FB Mk VI is a powerful and customisable Battlefield 5 aircraft; “Depending on how you specialise the Mk VI,” explains DICE; “you can make it into a true ground-attack vehicle. Go for the Tsetse configuration and mount a six-pounder anti-tank cannon in the fuselage or, for a more traditional approach, mount rockets and bombs to increase your ground attack potential. You’ll be the fastest plane in the sky, but you won’t be able to dogfight as well as a dedicated fighter”. As one might expect, this week’s weekly challenge emphasises the new Rush game mode. Several of the objectives you’ll need to complete require you to play Rush.

Battlefield 5 Weekly Challenge: Objectives 1-4
  • What a Rush: Your first objective is very simple. All you need to do is play a single round of Rush. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. Additionally, this objective counts an instance of Rush found in the new Battle of Hannut Grand Operation as enough to complete it.
  • Reaper: Another simple objective; for this one, you just need to kill 30 enemies. This can be done in any mode.
  • Forlorn Hope: A little tougher, this objective requires you to kill 5 enemies without dying. Use long-range weapons to fire from a safer distance, or play alongside a Medic who can keep you alive if you go down. Play carefully, avoid unnecessary risks, and this shouldn’t be too difficult.
  • Demolitions Specialist: This objective requires you to either arm or disarm 4 objectives. This can only be done in the Airborne, Frontlines, and Rush game modes. Focus on playing the objectives to get this one done quickly.

Battlefield 5 Aircraft Available in Latest Weekly Challenge

Battlefield 5 Weekly Challenge: Objectives 5-8
  • Big Guns Never Tire: This objective will be much easier if you’re playing with friends as a squad. It requires you to, as a squad, call in either the Smoke Battery or Sector Artillery Reinforcements 5 times. These newly added Reinforcements can be called in by your squad leader by spending Requisition Points. If you’re not the squad leader and don’t have a way to directly communicate with them, this objective might be a bit difficult, as you’ll have to hope that they use those Reinforcements.
  • Guardian Angel: The best way to complete this objective is to play as a Medic, as it requires you to revive 20 teammates. You can do this as another class, but playing as a Medic will make it much easier and quicker. Use the Field Medic combat role to be even more efficient.
  • Aegis: While Guardian Angel favours the Medic class, this objective lends itself well to Support. You need to use stationary weapons to deal 800 total damage. You can use any stationary weapon for this, so search for them as a priority. Of course, playing as a Support gives you the ability to set up your own, which makes this much easier.
  • Adrenaline Junkie: The final objective requires you to score 25,000 points in Rush. For this, focus on playing the objectives, and otherwise just keep playing Rush until you reach 25,000. Completing this will end the weekly challenge and unlock your new Battlefield 5 aircraft.