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Everything posted by Rebel-scum8298

  1. hey nioh kinda has things like that in its fighting theres attacks that speciffically take donw there ki and stuns them momentarily (probably a little to long to be exactly how u mean it) and u can do a "final blow" and usually end them . but yeah that would be cool if u could have like a balance meter and or a disorient meter that would make them vulnerable for maybe a full second .
  2. so i LOVE form soft all of the demon souls bourne series and the greatest tribute game ever nioh . and sekiro is right up there . and is deffintly the 2cnd funnest game i'm currenty playing/streaming . i fuckin love it but i let a friend borrow my copy of it and when i got it back a week later asked him what he thouhg and this fucker says "it's way to old of a game for me bud...... im used to the newest and best and that thing is way to old". bahahahahaha well fucker its a year old and your still playing the gta 5 and dauntless not so sure whats so new and great there but wtf are u talking about and he replied "well then its obviouslt a cheaply made game cause the movement is so jerky and jumpy like your charecter doesnt not move smoothly at all" i was dumb founded honestly i think the game looks fuckin great and feels great so i dont fuckin get it at all. does anyone else think or feel the same way this dipshit friend of mine does or know anyoone that does cuase i dont fuckin see it
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