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Posts posted by Vaporpublico

  1. Hi! I've been around for a few weeks but I've never introduced myself. I'm a PC gamer and I grew up with Nintendo games. I love RPG's and open world adventure games. My favorite is Fallout: New Vegas but I also like a lot of genres.  Hit me up if you ever wanna play something on Steam! 

  2. On 2/10/2021 at 10:46 AM, Empire said:

    You have the PC od cyberpunk? and what's your thoughts pn that game, I mean you did not get your money back 😛 

    I have it on steam. Had like 60 hours and some fun but it's definitely not what I expected it to be. Hope it can be better. I've never had some horrible bugs tho. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Syntax said:

    I think buying when on sale makes sense if you legit will play it. I’ve seen many buy games on sale and never play them since they weren’t into the genre.

    Yes, that's is the main reason but I often find myself buying 2 or 4 games for the ¨future¨ and I screw up ending up playing the same f2p game again lol

  4. 3 hours ago, Empire said:

    Mods are the main reason why I play PC games over Console games. Yet for most games, just no mods, just go vanilla. Games that I do mod out far more are GTA series that I do mod for, like police mods to just about what ever mods that you can get installed nowadays. FiveM if you want to go online and roleplay as what you want with other people. Even my flights sims as added addons and textures and whatnot.

    Keep in minde that mods are not cheats, I use mods to change how the game is to back to front and make something into new else. 🙂 CHeats is where you cheat yourself with getting high game level and or making yourself win over nothing. 

    I actually like mods that make the game harder, those really bring a new life to old games. 

  5. 4 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I personally don't like the mods but I play them in various types of the games. I know for sure that mods based games can be fun for variety of the story based or maybe multiplayer competitive mods too. I think I played few of them in Minecraft. 

    Oh totally forgot about multiplayer mods too. I found out that those are the best overall because alot of people see the same silly stuff 

  6. 6 hours ago, Patrik said:

    I use them only in the games that i spent so much time on, because some vanilla games get so boring after a while, so using mods mean new experience and new fun for sure.

    I can agree with that. I always tried to mod Fallout games to make them a little bit more of a challenge 

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