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Posts posted by CoryAR

  1. I went through a big music stage and as a result of it I have two big CD towers full of bands I like. I've barely used the CDs compared to using services like YouTube Music, so I kind of regret spending so much money on them, but who knows? They may be worth some money one day.

    My uncle collects CDs and has a whole room and closet full of them.

  2. For starters, I wouldn't pay for a game that has ads. If a game has ads and I wish to play it, it depends on how intrusive the ads are that will dictate whether I continue to play it or not. Some ads you have to watch every X minutes, no thank you. An ad that hovers over the game the whole time you're playing it, no thank you. If the ads are minimal and the game play is much more focused than the ads, I can probably handle the ads.

  3. Horror movies are one of my least favorite film genres. I don't really get the thrill or adrenaline rush out of them like some people do. I've seen a small handful during my lifetime and I just couldn't find myself caring too much for them.

  4. From a window seal, I don't mind snow at all. From an outside perspective or especially driving in it, I don't really like the snow much. It's freezing out and the roads can be a havoc to drive on.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dismal_Bliss said:

    I think Godzilla Minus One is still in theatres so I don't imagine it's available for streaming yet. But it has been out for a while so it shouldn't be too much longer. You're gonna love it.

    The American made Godzilla and Godzilla/Kong movies have been done well too. But this one hits those nostalgic feels because it's made by Toho and the Japanese Godzilla is modeled different than the U.S. Godzilla. 

    I would think it would be available on Max eventually seeing as a lot of the other Godzilla franchise is on there.

    It sounds quite interesting to say the least, I will be excited to watch it if it hits one of the streaming services I have.

  6. I haven't seen it yet, but would like to sometime. I enjoy the Godzilla/Kong films and would like to see all of the new ones. I remember you saying it was available on Netflix, but I don't think it is in my region because I could never find it, so I don't think I have a streaming service I can watch it on currently.

  7. I don't really flirt or try and date any longer. I feel like I've wasted more time on trying to pursue the opposite sex than work on my self or keep myself entertained to the point I don't feel I need a SO.

    When I actually did flirt or try and pursue a relationship, I don't think I was ever taken seriously.

    I don't think flirting with others when you're in a committed relationship is that good of an idea. The love of your life should be your SO and flirting with other people makes it seem like you have a similar interest in love for them, which could lead to cheating.

  8. I don't mind a general check up and teeth clean, but if it's like my last dentist appointment where I had to get a wisdom tooth pulled, I don't really feel like going through the pain, but I know it's a necessity for better oral health.

  9. I think I got more excited by games as a kid than I did as an adult, but I don't play as much variety as I used to. The primary games I play are Pokemon GO and Call of Duty. I still get frustrated when I'm not doing well at a game or I cannot complete it. I used to bang my head against the controller as a kid when I couldn't win, now I just often verbally speak my mind when I'm not doing well in a game.

  10. Pokemon GO started yet another new event today, so I naturally played Pokemon GO last. I have a lot of research piled up that I need to complete, but thankfully it's all research that remains there until you complete it instead of timed research.

  11. All the time, to be honest. I'll start a game and maybe not even play 1/4 of it and I'll just abandon the game soon after playing it. I only get attached to specific games it seems and don't branch out much and play different games. I try to play different games, but I always get stuck in my old habits of playing the same games over and over again.

  12. I watched the original GreedFall for awhile wanting to play it because the graphics and game play look amazing, but I have never played it before. I'm not too big into RPGs, so I doubt I'd play it as much as I anticipated. I may watch some game play trailers for the game, but I still doubt I'll ever purchase the game considering I bought a similar game (Skyrim) and never played much of it.

  13. I have played it from the first year it was released and continue to do so. I enjoy raiding, building up my XP/stardust, powering up Pokemon, catching new Pokemon, etc. I open the app multiple times a day.

  14. I'll probably give it a shot just because I'm a Call of Duty nut. If I don't like it much, I'll simply delete the game and continue to play the original Call of Duty mobile game. Either way, if I can find a game for free or maybe even relatively cheap that I think I'll really like, I'll usually download it.

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