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Everything posted by CawayGeway

  1. Wow, I have severe point of fails!!!
  2. Hello everyone, Please give SRB2 map ideas and finish it, Then you must submit to forum! Circuit name: Hagenoya Tools required: Sonic Robo Blast 2.0.6 SRB2 Doom Builder Slumped07 Moderator Edit: We can no longer trust this user, so the link has been removed for safety reasons.
  3. Original Controlled Type: CONIFEROUS Resulted Type: CONIFV4RFVEROUIOIUS
  4. The bird facts: 1. No diplacusis, No tinnitus, No hearing loss 2. No alzheimer's disease, Brain cell generation 3. No eye vision color blind, No vision loss, Self-generate eye vision cone cells 4. No retirement, High metabolic rate 5. Bird recommend to learn alphabet and number to before learn english. Human don't recommend music because the human suddenly hearing loss. Birds only hearing music Human don't recommend drawing because the human suddenly eye vision loss. Birds only drawing images If the bird use laptop, Please use device for the bird sensors.
  5. Human has perfectly using laptop for work, game, study, and discoveries. Why the bird must have controller the brain sensor and beak touch in external controller for laptop?
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