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Posts posted by Bizdustry

  1. I don't think I have ever rage quit from a video game. Although, I have had many times of being frustrated when I think I'm nearly a past a chapter, or section of the video game when I can't work out what the last part is. Sometimes I get annoyed when I don't win a match in Battle Royale too, but it's all part of the fun.

  2. Playing games can really help people relax and de-stress, but it depends on each person and what they like. Some people find it super relaxing and fun to play video games because it lets them forget about their worries and escape into new worlds or challenges. Gaming can make you feel like you have control, achieve things, and provide entertainment, which all help to reduce stress and take a break from the pressures of everyday life.

  3. A great title that you've mentioned there! I'd be hard pushed to think of my top 20. Although, "Dark Souls" games are famous for being really difficult. They require you to have good timing, think strategically, and act fast. When you play, it can make you feel tense and stressed out because you're always worried about losing your progress and facing tough bosses.

  4. I don't personally collect video games. People collect video games for different reasons. Some collectors hold onto games from their childhood because they have sentimental value and bring back happy memories. Others appreciate the historical and artistic aspects of gaming, seeing it as a way to experience unique forms of entertainment and cultural expression. Many enjoy the thrill of searching for rare or limited-edition releases. They eagerly scour online marketplaces, visit retro game stores, or go to gaming conventions in hopes of finding special gems. The excitement of discovering these treasures makes collecting even more enjoyable.

  5. For some people, viewing gunfire visuals in shooter games can cause visual discomfort or even seizures. The fast, bright flashes of light and rapid action in these games have the potential to trigger photosensitive epilepsy or other visual problems in individuals who are susceptible. It is important to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions if you or someone you know is affected. Consulting a medical professional for personalized advice and adjusting game settings to reduce brightness or disable certain visual effects may also be helpful.

  6. There is a chance that future consoles might not include physical media/disc drives. Progress in technology has made downloading and streaming games through digital platforms quite popular. This has sparked discussions that future consoles could prioritize digital distribution exclusively. By eliminating physical media, consoles could potentially become more compact and efficient. However, it's crucial to remember that these are merely speculations, and the final decision rests with console manufacturers and consumer choices.

  7. I have never live streamed video games to TikTok. I've only ever live streamed content to YouTube and Twitch.TV and even then, it can be discouraging specially if you are not getting the followers (results) that you are after from your hard work. It can then be hard to keep going 

  8. Playing video games can actually help improve your memory skills. When you play games, you need to remember lots of important things like the rules, objectives, strategies, and even where certain things are located in the game. This constant exercise of your memory while gaming can actually make your memory better over time. Some games, like puzzles or strategy games, are designed to specifically challenge your memory and thinking abilities, which can ultimately help you remember things more easily. However, it's important to note that the impact on your memory may vary depending on the type of games you play and how long you play them for.

  9. Microsoft is known for being really good at coming up with new, cool stuff. They're always thinking of clever ideas and making advancements in things like computers in the cloud, smart robot brains, video games, and tools to help people get stuff done. Like any company, they face challenges and have their ups and downs, but it's too early to say they're out of good ideas without looking at what they're working on right now and what they're planning for the future.

  10. Not really. There isn't a clear-cut answer as to whether having too many video games is inherently bad. It really depends on how they impact someone's life and overall well-being. If having a large collection of video games brings joy, relaxation, or serves as a hobby, then it may not be considered harmful. However, if it starts interfering with important responsibilities, relationships, or other aspects of life, then it may be worth reevaluating the quantity and making adjustments. Finding a balance and practicing moderation are key to maintaining a healthy relationship with video games or any form of entertainment.

  11. Sometimes, when you're busy exploring the big worlds of open world games, you might find it a bit tough to come across different types of enemies. And this is defintely the case in Skyrim, as you mentioned. A lot of game developers will push their product through and don't spend the required time to make it better in the first place.

  12. Both the new PlayStation and Xbox have a lot to offer in terms of exciting features and advanced technology that can take your gaming experience to the next level. When it comes to choosing between the two, it really boils down to what you personally prefer and what exclusive games or services catch your interest. It's a good idea to think about factors like the range of available games, online services, controller design, backward compatibility, and overall performance while making your decision. Keep in mind that both consoles bring something unique to the table, so taking the time to research and compare them will help you determine which one better suits your gaming preferences.

  13. Lots of people love playing video games based on movies because it lets them dive deeper into the stories and characters they adore. These game adaptations provide fresh gameplay experiences and a chance to discover new parts of the movie's world. Whether reliving famous scenes or uncovering untold tales, movie-based video games are a delightful way to expand the enjoyment of the films.

  14. While multiplayer online games usually focus more on gameplay and social interaction rather than traditional storytelling, there are still plenty of ways to include narrative elements in these games. Some multiplayer games, like MMORPGs, have intricate stories and lore for players to discover and participate in. These games often involve quests, cinematic scenes, and character interactions that add to the overall narrative experience.

  15. If there was a choice to bring a gaming character into reality, I would warmly select Mario from the Super Mario series. Mario has captured the hearts of countless gamers throughout the years and has contributed immensely to the happiness of millions. The reason behind this choice lies in Mario's admirable traits, including courage, unwavering resolve, and an optimistic outlook. These qualities make him a truly inspiring and endearing character. It would be an incredible joy to witness Mario's existence materialize, as he could serve as a symbol of motivation and inspiration for many people. Moreover, who wouldn't feel thrilled about having a real-life companion resembling a cheerful plumber wearing a red hat and sporting a mustache?

  16. If aliens watch us playing video games, they might think it's just a way for us to have fun and relax. They might be curious about how we use technology to make virtual worlds and play different roles. They might also notice that gaming lets people interact and make friends online. For them, it could be interesting to see how gaming helps us connect with each other and share experiences.

  17. If Mortal Kombat were transformed into an open-world game including different realms such as Earthrealm, Netherrealm, Outworld, and more, players would be able to enjoy a larger and more captivating gaming experience. They would have the liberty to freely wander through these realms, engage with their distinct environments, and come across a wide variety of characters and obstacles on their journey. This open-world concept has the potential to enhance the game's narrative depth, introduce new possibilities for storytelling, and provide players with a more fulfilling and exciting gameplay adventure.

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