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Posts posted by kensonplays

  1. Based on this article, what do you think about a Horizon Zero Dawn TV show? As long as they make the right casting choices, and the writers stick with the story of the game as closely as they can, with a few changes if needed, it could turn out to be a good show. Although personally, unless they make season 2 about Forbidden West, I don't see how it could last more than 1 season, or a mini-series.

    Forbidden West has more of my favorite machines, but I do think I like the story of the first one better, myself. If they do continue with the show, and Season 2 gets turned into Forbidden West, I sure hope we see my favorite, the Slaughterspine, more than just once.

  2. I personally tend to stick with Corsair components where I can. Except in my current build, I have a lesser-known company for my case (MetallicGear NEO Qube), which is a "dual PC case" which supports one regular sized motherboard and case, and one on the other side with room for a Mini/Micro build. The PSU is what was recommended from the company, a Phanteks Revolt X PH-P1200PS 80PLUS Platinum 1200W supply.

    Otherwise everything else is Corsair or Elgato. RAM, Mouse, Keyboard, StreamDecks (XL, Plus, Pedal) and Wave Link for audio.

  3. I rarely use in-game voice. I mostly use Guilded voice chats (an alternative to Discord with no paywalled features). I used to use TeamSpeak for a Battlefield clan, but that clan has basically died at this point, and I no longer live in the West Coast (which everyone was based).

    So nowadays, I use Guilded -> Discord -> In-Game. I don't even have TeamSpeak installed right now.

  4. I use Elgato & Corsair for pretty much everything. The one exception is my Razer Leviathan soundbar. Otherwise, all Corsair family (including Elgato). Monitors I don't count. Just things like mouse, keyboard, audio, streamdecks, etc.

  5. On 4/15/2024 at 4:56 PM, killamch89 said:

    Mine would be around that price as well. I get 10GB of data and unlimited texts and calls to others using the same network.

    That sounds like a pretty good deal for the both of you.

    Cept the other uses like 70% of it on their own every month haha. That's one reason I download all my music and a few YouTube videos (family premium) and such at home to save data so we don't get cut off. Not unlimited, if we use it all, no data at all.

  6. On 4/15/2024 at 5:07 PM, killamch89 said:

    I love Monster Hunter as well. I actually played some Monster Hunter: World today. It's the first time in over a year - I remember playing Monster Hunter with my friends on the PS Vita. Good times.

    Yea, I started with World, but Rise is my favorite, since it has all of my favorites: Mizutsune, Nargacuga, Velkhana, Anjanath, and a hard choice between Amatsu and Valstrax. They're both fun.

    I am very much looking forward to Wilds. As long as it has 2 of my favorite monsters, I'm happy. Mizutsune is my #1 fave, but I'm hoping that they finally bring back ALL FOUR of the fated together. It seems like both Rise and World skipped out on 2 of them... Lol

  7. Single-player story games, if the story is well written. Otherwise, I prefer co-op games like Monster Hunter, etc. I'm an extremely chill and laid-back gamer. I don't play PVP too much. There's only 1 game I play that is PVP currently, and that's Gigantic (I have a thread on it here with the trailer and whatnot).

  8. The Pixel series (and Nexus previously) is technically the "Apple" version of the Android world. Google manages the OS, and they make the phones. So in a sense, I guess you can compare them to the iPhone.

    Which of these two phones do you prefer? Me? I prefer Pixel, since I've been using Android since 2.3 (December 2010), so I have hundreds of dollars of paid apps I'd rather not lose access too!

    I don't mind using an iPhone temporarily from a friend, but I wouldn't want it to be my daily driver due to losing lots of paid apps.

  9. This is the revival of a MOBA/Hero Shooter combined PVP game. What are your thoughts on it? Original was F2P, but they didn't make enough funding, so they had to shut down. This revival is a $20 one-time fee with no microtransactions. Original game had 23 characters, they finished up 2 that were almost done and there is now 25 in the revival, along with 2 new maps.

    My favorite characters are Roland (one of the new ones) and Margrave for the tank role. I haven't picked a support, since usually selecting those two is enough for me to get into matches.

  10. Depends on the game. Some games with little to no BG music I'll just turn music off and listen to my own, or if the soundtrack is "meh" as well. If they have a great soundtrack, I'll use in-game instead. For example, the Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West series.

  11. I use Corsair mice pretty much exclusively. Same with Elgato & Corsair components where they make them. I've had bad experiences, multiple times, with Razer so I do not buy their stuff ever anymore. Logitech is fine, but I prefer the integrations with streamdeck with Elgato's stuff.

  12. Yea, I usually keep 2 backups of important data, and 1 backup of semi-important data. One local to a separate drive, one cloud, for important stuff, and just cloud for semi-important. It's nice that G Workspace allows me to have 2TB of space, which helps with that.

  13. They won't stop. Not unless they make a multiple models that basically get zero sales, then maybe? 

    Highly unlikely, though. I mean, you can connect a KB/M to the 5, I think, and some games support it. Just need more games to support the alternate input for KB/M and then it could become an an easy to maintain alternative to a PC for less tech-savvy people.

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