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killamch89 last won the day on July 25

killamch89 had the most liked content!


About killamch89

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killamch89's Achievements

  1. Played some For Honor with my gaming buddies and we won every round. It got to a point where we were taking turns soloing this one team because we defeated them really easily.
  2. Fighting with my family (2019) - 9/10
  3. Scorpion King Fast Five The Other Guys The Mummy Returns The Rundown
  4. You can get transparent shells for most electronics like for the Steam Deck as well. It's also easy to install.
  5. I've been rebuilding my Fallout 4 mod list the other day because the newest update broke a lot of my modlists. Hopefully, I can get it finished this weekend and then I'm definitely going to download it.
  6. I have 100s of games I've yet to play on my Steam and it's true. There's usually deals on Steam at every part of the year.
  7. I can see that it's assthetic...Come on. The jokes practically write themselves here.
  8. I've been asking for a remaster of this game for quite some time. I just wish THQ could've reformed and did it instead of Activision because they'll definitely ruin it with lootboxes and microtransactions.
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