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Posts posted by egghead

  1. I know what VCRs are I have even watched movies on cassette tapes. But CDs were already available in the market, therefore, we did not use those tapes much

  2. When I make a list of best foreign language movies, the list will be very big. Therefore, for this post I choose just one move. Amelie is one of the best foreign language movies I have ever watched. It is a French movie released in 2001. The movie shows how anyone can find happiness in little things they do.

  3. By foreign movies, I mean the movies that are not in the language you speak. For me English is a foreign language, ad I watch a lot of English movies. I also watch Bollywood, and Hindu language is also a foreign language for me.

  4. Bollywood is the largest movie industry in the world in terms of number of movies released per year. Since I live next to India, I have been watching Bollywood movies since I was a kid. In fact I learned Hindi language by watching Bollywood movies.

  5. On 11/20/2021 at 8:51 PM, ZandraJoi said:

    I looked this one up. Looks like it has to do with fantasy & magic. I have a question, how gory or deep does the storyline goes? I'd be interested in watching it but while I can take some drama, I honestly prefer easy-going, lighter shows with a bit of a comedy aspect in them.

    The story is very interesting, characters are good, but the show contain a lot of adult scenes.

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