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You will need an Xbox account to play games like Sea of Thieves on other platforms

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With the recent news that Xbox is releasing some of their games on other platforms, like the PS4, PS5, and the Switch. Right now Sea of Thieves seems to be the big xbox exclusive coming to PS5. It was rumored that it will be coming out for the Switch as well, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. But what seems to have been confirmed is that these Xbox games will require you to have an Xbox account in order to play them on other consoles. I figured Xbox would go this route with their titles, but damn is it going to be tedious to have to sign into Xbox just to play Xbox made games on other platforms. 

Do you think you'd bother with playing Xbox games on your PS5 or Switch? Will this sign-in requirement deter you from purchasing Xbox games on other platforms that may one day be supported on? 

I personally have no issue with it since I already have an account, but I can see some people being annoyed to go through another hoop to play a game. Unless you're a PC gamer, to which you're probably well used to this by now, since every game needs to have their own launcher now days. 

What do you think about this? 

You can read the news here - https://exputer.com/news/games/microsoft-account-play-sea-of-thieves-ps5/

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