Fallout 76 Side Quests: How to Complete Chasing Shadows

As you progress through the Order of Mysteries faction in Fallout 76, you’ll eventually reach a point where you must acquire three different items; the Blade of Bastet, the Phantom Device, and the Voice of Set. Collecting all of these comprises the Novice of Mysteries side quest (as the only standalone faction in the game, the Order of Mysteries quests are categorised as side quests rather than main quests). The Fallout 76 Chasing Shadows side quest is the first of these, and involves crafting the Phantom Device.

How to Complete the Fallout 76 Chasing Shadows Side Quest

To get started with the Fallout 76 Chasing Shadows side quest, you need to first listen to the “Order of Mysteries – The Phantom Device,” Holotape. This will complete the quest’s first objective. Next, you need to use Cryptos to read the “Database Enquiries,” topic, then select “Novice – Phantom Device Components”; this will help you locate the crafting components you’ll need to make the Phantom Device. Namely, these are a Stealth Boy and HalluciGen Gas. The quest will then highlight two locations where you can go to retrieve each of these items. However, if you already have these items in your inventory, you can simply use them instead!

Fallout 76 Chasing Shadows Locations

If you don’t already have a Stealth Boy, you’ll need to head to North Cutthroat Camp, which can be found in the Savage Divide. This camp isn’t especially large, and can be defended by all manner of different enemies. However, simply getting there can be something of a challenge. The minimum recommended level for this area is 15. Once you reach the camp, you can find the Stealth Boy in a locked footlocker, though don’t worry about needing lockpicking Perk Cards; it should only be a Level 0 lock.

If you don’t already have HalluciGen Gas, you will need to go to Garrahan Mining Headquarters; a site in the Ash Heap where the quest Miner Miracles takes place. This building is likely to be filled with enemy robots. Make your way to the marked safe. You can either pick the lock or hack a terminal close by to open it and retrieve the gas. Once you have both items in your possession, return to Riverside Manor, where you can use the Fabricator to craft a Phantom Device. Note that Phantom Devices are single-use, so you will have to craft more. However, after completing this quest you will be able to craft them using any Tinker’s Workbench.