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Katri Marcell

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Posts posted by Katri Marcell

  1. 7 hours ago, MegaphoneStallone said:

    Where in Greece are you!?
    What is your favorite thing about Greece?

    I'm from a small rural town called Karditsa but I live in Athens for the past 8 years. What I love the most is the history, Athens itself is a relic of the past and I love seeing ancient ruins everyday as I go to work 😛

  2. 8 hours ago, o-o said:

    Are you into FPS games?

    Im into FPS games but mostly single player ones 😄 I do enjoy some Overwatch or Call of Duty from time to time. Im awful at aiming at people hahaha

  3. I think I would probably get batshit crazy if I lived alone. I'm currently living with my sister and will only move out when I go live with my boyfriend. Whenever she goes on a job trip and such i'm getting serious panic attacks so living with others is the best IMO 😄

  4. People say I give awesome video game recommendations. I also know all video games out there but have played only the minimum. In other news, I live in Greece and the weather here is awesome! Want to know more? Pop me a question 😄

  5. I have that issue too. To beat it, I started playing games on the easiest difficulty so that my anxiety doesn't peak. When I feel comfortable enough with the game I change settings a bit. Sure, this doesn't work with games like Dark Souls 😛 but we don't need that kind of anxiety in our lives anyway hahahaha

  6. I don't own one but figured I should let you know what I know. Games do run better even if you don't have a 4K screen but the difference isn't a huge upgrade. If you don't consider getting a 4K screen at some point i'd advice you saving your money and get an Xbox One S, which is still an excellent console. If you're a multiplayer enthusiast and want spotless FPS and and such then go for the X, it will step up your game a lot.


    2 hours ago, DylanC said:

    I'd be all over a Bioshock TV show/movie. The creepy world/atmosphere would be ideal for a big screen adaptation. Also, something like The Last Of Us or Dead Space would make a good fit for a movie/TV show. 


    Soooo true! All those would be amazing as TV series! I would add Zelda and Fallout to the bunch just for the tons of lore they include. No movie could ever be able to put that into 2 hours 😄

  8. It's a pitty that the game releases on the worst kind of moment. Right after CoD and RDR2 and right after the nominations for the game awards close. Who will remember the game until next year? 😢 Still looks amazing though, so much better than CoD

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