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The Overseer

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Posts posted by The Overseer

  1. Was it your father, a friend, something you saw on TV? etc. For me, it was a close friend. When kids our age were watching Cartoon Network, we were trying to code very simple games in BASIC. That's an old programming language from a case you were supposed to connect to your analog TV. 

  2. For me, it was a friend. He had one of those 1980's keyboards (I'm not sure, but probably a Commodore 64) that you connect to a TV screen. As programming language it had BASIC and it would load games from a cassette player. No, I'm not joking. What about you? How did you get into gaming?

  3. It's not a new concept, lol. It's been going for years.

    Personally, I don't think it's cheating. I actually believe that people who waste their time making their own engine from scratch are stupid. There's no point reinventing the wheel, as creating an engine takes years. Literally. Years you could have spent working on your game. Ironically, they all regret it and say they should have not wasted time on creating a new engine. Unless your game is really small or you're doing it for educational purposes (learning how stuff works), you should avoid making your own engine. 

  4. Do you ever feel like there's more to life, A LOT more, and that you're just stuck in a loop that you can't get out of? Like your job, your family, your small town, or college, school, whatever. What do you do when you feel like there's no way out? Like this is all you'll ever be and that you can't escape your 'destiny' or whatever? How does one reach its potential in life? Are you happy with where you are right now?

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