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Everything posted by KuntryBudz

  1. beginning to think i just ain in the right place
  2. i didn't see a topic for memes, so i offer you this along with wishing everyone a happy new year 🙂
  3. DELETE if not allowed i don't have a ps5, but my buddy in CO does. he sent me this:
  4. You should look into Spartacus set to release spring next year. not too many details, but i believe i read something about streaming in there.
  5. anybody remember "playstation home" on PS3? you could use real money to gamble in the casino there, but i don't think there was a way to get a payout. and it was kinda a limited time experience. they discontinued it on consoles relatively quickly from what i remember. btw, with all the electronic funds transfers and ways to achieve EFT's, it wouldn't surprise me if Ceasar's Casino or some other big wig made an online "MMO" game... wink wink.
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