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    dfarmer2001 got a reaction from Heatman in Amazon Prime Gaming   
    I have had Amazon Prime for years and I never knew that they offered this service. I will definitely be checking this out to see if I can find anything that may interest me. 
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    dfarmer2001 got a reaction from Youcef chouiref in Favourite PlayStation 2 games?   
    One of my favorite PlayStation 2 games would have to be Crash Bandicoot. I really enjoyed playing that game at a young age. I've not played nor heard much about it for a long time now. Are there any new Crash Bandicoot games out right now? 
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    dfarmer2001 got a reaction from kingpotato in Fortnite x Assassins Creed Collaboration   
    I recently found out that Fortnite was doing a collab with Assassins Creed. This collab is one of the many Fortnite has been doing. They will release an Assassins Creed character soon in the item shop to be available to purchase worldwide. 
    Here is a photo of the character they will be releasing: 

    What do you guys think of this collab? 
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    dfarmer2001 got a reaction from DC in Hello.   
    Hello everyone, 
    My name is Devin, I am 20 years old. I enjoy bowling, playing video games, spending time with friends and family, and I enjoy posting in online communities such as this one. I hope you guys are just as excited for me to be here as I am. If you should have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to let me know! 
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