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Posts posted by Jasmin

  1. 19 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Are they accessible on mobile phones like android? In the past I played similar games on android device. 

    All three games are actually mobile games, they are available on Play Store.

  2. 20 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    I understand your points, some kids are smarter, but when you allow them grow obsessed with video games it hurts their future progress academically and otherwise. That's why they need some level of regulation just as Chinese government have regulated gaming around kids to restrict video games that affects them psychologically. 

    The reason why Chinese government is trying  regulate games is different, they are just trying to ban all foreign games. They have also banned facebook and Google

  3. 17 hours ago, Aniekwe said:

    What's making the price too high is because it's scare in the market. It should be around $500 if it's available but it's not, so scalpers are selling it above $1000. 

    I don't think scarcity is the reason behind high price, they have kept the price high in order to make money money by selling fewer items, just like what Apple is doing.

  4. 16 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I'm not sure if the same thing is obtainable on android devices with Google Play Store. If it's not, they should look into copying Apple strategy on that because it's something that's very useful. 

    If Google decides to remove outdated games, just one decision form the company will make this happen. I think the play store needs thorough cleaning.

  5. 9 hours ago, Boblee said:

    It works more like a temporary fix for the problem because you can't be playing 24/7/365 in order for you to be happy always. 

    That's true. But what I was trying to say was if anyone has depression it is less likely that he will start playing games. That's because when someone has depression he is not interested in any thing, he only feels lonely and dejected.

  6. 5 hours ago, Dannyjax said:

    I think that if you happen to go through a few reviews on the game

    I know how to find information, in fact everyone knows how to find information. Do you have to say anything more about the game except asking me to check reviews?

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