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Posts posted by Kale

  1. On 12/1/2022 at 12:52 AM, Justin11 said:

    It would be good to have a VGR channel on YouTube where they do video game reviews and post other game related contents on the channel.

    I know this is a bit late, but agreed with this. Post all the socials including this forum in the channel description. Do short style videos with a link to the site and the forum too even on TikTok. 

  2. 17 hours ago, Smokey said:

    Probably. I'm sure my brother will end up getting both games at some point so I'll be able to compare the two eventually. 

    I will also end up likely getting both games myself too. I played last years WWE game and it was alright. The career mode was repetitive and got boring overtime, though.

  3. Papers, Please is a solid game and a good one IMO. Danganronpa V3 but there's kinda spoiler reasons behind the answer here, so will spoil tag it. 







    So in V3 the plot twist is super 4th wall breaking. V3 reveals everything up until then in the franchise was a scripted reality show featuring brainwashed people made to think they are kidnap victims forced to murder eachother, when really they volunteered for a chance to be famous and knowing what the show would be like. It is the most popular show on TV, everyone loves it, in fact it is in its 53rd season (the V in V3 is a roman numeral 5)! The world of V3 is revealed to be a place where people are so desperate for entertainment that they sit around watching people murder eachother just to feel their own sense of hope or despair as their favorite person on the show survives or gets killed

    Credit to a Quora post, but that's basically about it. 

  4. FF14 for sure cause of course it does. I have noticed newbie guilds and newbie help on there for somebody like me. I am not a usual MMO player, but had soo many people offer to help me out and such. I've never felt that sense of community and like people actually wanted to help me. World of Warcraft has it's own dedicated fanbase too, but never felt like I got as much help as in FF14.

  5. Gonna be a great movie I think. There will of course me some people who will complain online, but that is typical and usual nowadays. I think I got over the VA cast, and think they'll do a great job as the characters. I am hoping to go see this, but honestly can wait till it comes out on streaming or DVD/blu-ray.

  6. Oh my! That is quite interesting. I don't think I'd buy any of them myself, but I am sure there's that crowd who will buy it. 

    On 2/6/2023 at 6:04 AM, Empire said:

    Why all custom covers have to be all adult content related anyway. showing legs and parts.. Worse part is laying to even sell them on Ebay and people do buy them. It's like they have nothing to do. Yet making money from the desings that they are doing.

    Sex sells, I guess. 😛 I honestly don't think it has to be about that either.

  7. Yes, I plan to get it down the road. I am a fan of pro wrestling and AEW, so know for sure I'd enjoy it. I am curious how the story mode will work in it, and hope it isn't too repetitive or boring. 

    On 2/1/2023 at 1:56 PM, Shortie said:

    I have a funny feeling that when it is released though and many streamers are playing it, they will notice it and will then probably show an interest. 

    I am quite sure they will then. Happened all the time to me when I was young and wasn't online as much as i am today. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Kane99 said:

    Either way, looks like it's blowing up on most streaming sites. How long that will last, who knows, but it seems to be popular right now. 

    As with most games I honestly think it would only be popular for a few weeks to a month. I feel like the drama and such will also blow over by then and everyone will move on with their lives. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kane99 said:

    Did anyone own the second Kinect that released alongside the Xbox One? I remember it originally came bundled with launch consoles, but it soon took Kinect out and stopped shipping them. 


    Nope, I never did own one around that time period. I dunno if it is worth it or not nowadays or not. I honestly didn't get an Xbox One till a bit later when they stopped shipping them with the console.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Kane99 said:

    Yeah, they could do so many different types of games and events if they wanted to. Don't know why they haven't jumped at the opportunity yet. Maybe it's because Microsoft and Xbox are lazy these days and rarely make exclusives of their own anymore. 

    I am surprised too. I know it could be a licensing issue too perhaps, and they may not want to bother with it. I'd even be happy if a game company just did their own take on it and released it on Xbox, PC, and other consoles.

  11. I was into the franchise as a kid, but like so many others I just fizzled out. I stopped with the series around the 4th book and movie, and have no real super attachment to the franchise much nowadays. I will admit I joined a ton of forums related to it as a kid, and even RP'd on HP forums way back in the day. If you guys want a series similar, there is a series called The Scholomance. You can find out more here 


    My mother did buy me every single book regardless, and think they are still somewhere in my house. 

  12. GTA 4 was my favorite game on the console! RDR! also was my other favorite game on the 360. I didn't mind MW2 and Black Ops 2 as much either but felt around that time I just stopped playing my 360 as much.

  13. I would have loved a successor to Dreamcast! I never owned one as a kid and never got to experience and play games on it. 

    On 2/5/2023 at 5:08 PM, Kane99 said:

    The Dreamcast could have sold well, but I think it came out too late. Especially since the PS2 was just two years away, and had better hardware and graphics. So Sega either had to get started on yet another console, or just move on. I think they made the right choice, because if they went up against the PS2, I don't think we'd be hearing Sega in talks as much these days. 

    Agree. I think that it is fine with what happened with the Dreamcast looking back. 

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