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Posts posted by Debashis

  1. 10 hours ago, Kennysplash said:

    So that what you are using as a therapy does not become another problem, that needs therapy. 😅

    Have someone that you are accountable for or that guides you, it might not really work if you undergo it yourself. 

    Haha! Yes, having accountability and guidance while using video games as therapy is important to prevent it from becoming another issue that requires therapy. It is beneficial to have someone qualified to guide you in order to ensure that it is effective and not causing any harm.

  2. 10 hours ago, Kennysplash said:

    Would you say that this is in a good or bad way? I just want to know if it’s just me or there are others that see the media’s effect on gaming as negative. It just has done some damage to the amazing and exciting gaming experience we used to have. 

    It's somewhere in the middle. Opinions on the media's influence on gaming can vary. Some may see it as positive, as it helps inform and guide players in making purchasing decisions. Others may view it as negative, believing that it can create unrealistic expectations and lead to disappointment. It ultimately depends on individual perspectives and experiences.

  3. Yes, there are definitely other people who are affected by this issue. Many individuals with photosensitive epilepsy or visual sensitivities struggle with certain visual effects in video games. Having an option to switch off these effects would be a helpful accessibility feature for them to enjoy gaming without triggering seizures or discomfort.

  4. Personally, I understand the convenience and accessibility of digital gaming, but I also appreciate the sentimental and collectability of physical copies. I think there should be a balance, where both options are available to cater to different preferences and needs. It's important to consider the potential drawbacks of an all-digital future, such as server shutdowns and lost access to certain games.

  5. Gamers can be divided when it comes to game delays, with some being frustrated and others understanding. It's important to remember that developers need time to create a quality game. While suggestions and criticism are welcomed, it's not fair for gamers to expect developers to make games exactly as they want. Devs should prioritize making games they would enjoy playing themselves.

  6. I understand the concerns about the potential monetization and grinding in an online Last of Us game. While it could be exciting to have a multiplayer mode, it's also reasonable to hope that it doesn't become a live service game. It's important for developers to strike a balance between providing additional content and preserving the integrity of the game.

  7. Release parties for video games were popular in the past, particularly for big titles like Call Duty. Gamestop would host parties with free food, giveaways, and prizes like displays and posters. With the rise of digital games and the impact of Covid, release parties have become less common. It's uncertain if they will make a comeback, but many gamers miss the fun and excitement of these events.

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