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Posts posted by egghead

  1. Sometimes I do play games that I left playing a long time ago. There was a time when I was playing Candy Crush and temple so much, sometimes 5-6 hours straight. These games were so addictive. However, I had to stop playing these games because my phone battery started draining very fast. These days when I see these games on my friends' and family devices, I play for a while.

  2. I play a lot of games on my hand held devices, paid games as well as free games. These days I am playing minecraft pocket  edition on my mobile phone. The problem with mobile gaming is your device battery will drain pretty soon.

  3. I have tried casino games. After playing a lot of casino games and losing a lot of money, I learned the lesson. The casino games are programmed in a way that no body takes money from these games.

  4. 21 hours ago, Anachiwo said:

    I can guarantee you that you will love the game completely but be advised, it's a very addictive game. So, be prepared for anything once you get the game. 

    I like football, and when I say football I mean soccer. FIFA World Cup and Euro Cup are my favorite tournaments. However, I do not watch too much of premier league matches. When I was a kid, I used to play football. However, when I started growing, I stopped playing football. These days, I enjoy playing football games. Thanks for the recommendation for Top Eleven Football Manager.

  5. 21 hours ago, Anachiwo said:

    We literally can't do without Television here. It's a big part of our day's encounter here. We love movies a lot and most of us here don't go to cinema, so we do enjoy movies at home. 

    I also do not go to movies much and most of my movie experience is based on watching on my laptop. One of the reasons why I do not watch TV much is commercials. The TV channels air too much commercials, even the pay channels. For a 90 minutes movie, there will be 3-4 commercial breaks, which is very frustrating.

  6. On 2/10/2019 at 4:53 PM, Bravosi said:

    My personal temper and impatience was affected by the parents, who were always busy and angry at me for no damn reason. I can't believe I'm saying it to the strangers, but I didn't receive any love from them. Both of them are alive, but now that I live separately they don't even remember me. I can hardly blame the gaming.

    I am really sorry to hear about your childhood experiences. As an adult, now I think I was fortunate to have loving and caring parents. However, when I was a kid, I did not like the restrictions they put on me. I always thought they were gaging me.

  7. I used to bet with my friends while playing games. However, I have stopped doing this because I never won. Even though I am not betting these days, I still consider betting doubles your excitement while playing the game.  Competition and monetary rewards are always a plus point while playing games.

  8. I have left playing so many games just because of repetition. I used to play Temple Run a lot, however, later I got bored because the game took me nowhere. Whenever I failed, I had to start from the first level. Some games are also repetition of other popular games, which I always avoid playing.

  9. Well,  have not bought a lot of games, however, when I am buying the game, I first play the trial version and decide to buy only when I like the game. The value of the game is very important. I always compare with the price viz a viz   with the value. I don't buy any games just because they are cheap.

  10. On 2/8/2019 at 7:56 PM, Anachiwo said:

    This game Top Eleven Football Manager seems to be one of the most popular games played by Facebook users. There are some mixed feelings about the game both good and bad reviews but it's definitely a good game

    I have played a couple of football games, however, I have never tried Top Eleven Football Manager. I have also read good as well as bad reviews about the game. However, I never go by the user reviews about the game. Reviews are purely based on own experience. Therefore, I am willing to try this game.

  11. On 2/9/2019 at 2:20 PM, Anachiwo said:


    This is absolutely true. Kids are the most vulnerable ones to gaming effects because they are too innocent to understand the difference between fiction and real life. They assume such gaming characters are even real somewhere in the world and they believe in them. This impacts on their psychological behavior in a very big way. 

    When I was a child, I was not allowed to play video games. But when father bought a PC he could not stop me from playing games because there were a coup,e of inbuilt games. It is difficult to stop kids from playing games, however, there should be some sort of parental control. 

  12. On 2/9/2019 at 2:22 PM, Anachiwo said:

    Too much of everything is bad. This is something that everyone is very familiar with. When go across the line with a certain thing that you do, you will definitely suffer from the consequences of your actions. 

    That's true. One of the reasons why you should avoid energy drinks is they are very addictive. If you start drinking, soon you will find yourself drinking in access quantities. water is the best drink for the body. It not only hydrates your body but also cleanses and detoxifies your inner body.

  13. 8 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Most of us didn't know what purpose it served in the first place and most people wouldn't want to use a platform that is inferior to FB in terms of features.

    Since a lot of people were already using Facebook and they did not find G+ unique. Therefore, they never user G+. However, G+ was good for marketers because it was Google's product.

  14. 8 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I don't have a smart TV either because I hardly even watch TV anymore. I mean, I only paid for the sports channels and nothing else and I only have it for when my friends come over and we watch some football(soccer).

    I also do not watch TV much. I watch TV only during live tournaments like FIFA world cup or ICC World Cup. Sometimes I also watch movies, especially when it is being premiered.

  15. On 2/7/2019 at 4:56 PM, Heatman said:

    I have expected this to happen a long time ago because Google+ seems to be a dying phase of the Google community handle. 

    Just like yahoo messenger was scraped off and MySpace as well, now it's time for Google+  to join the cue. 

    Even though Google Plus had all the elements of facebook, it could never beat facebook, it was not even close to facebook. maybe G+ was not promoted as much as it should have been promoted. 

  16. I voted for earphone and looks like I am the only person who has voted for earphones until now. I do not have an exact reason why I prefer earphones,  however, I have been using earphones for a long time and I am very comfortable with earphones. 

  17. 3 hours ago, kingpotato said:


    Same opinion here, it will be ridiculous for an adult to be affected by Videogames, but for kids yes videogames can harm their personalities if there is no limit for gaming, for example my cousins will freakout if they cannot play videogames after school or if they are denied access to tablets or phones, their performance on school is also very poor since they spent most of their time gaming or on the internet, thats bad parenting.

    As kid I also threw tantrums if I wasnt allowed to play videogames, but my parents where strict which was good. Also my mom threw my N64 through the balcony one time so from that day on I learned to behave myself.

    I have seen kids imitating a fight after playing fighting games.  Kids cannot differentiate between facts and fictions, illusion and reality, therefore, video games can easily harm them if these games are violent. Some adults might also get affected, however, these are basically the people who have something wrong in their brain. 

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