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Posts posted by Syntax

  1. Rogue Company, PlanetSide2, DC Universe, Call of Duty Warzone, etc. are honestly the best ones out there that are free and I believe they don't need PS+ to play online (although may need to double check Warzone and Rogue Company)

  2. I used to use this all of the time on my PS4 with my Vita when my console wasn't in a good location, although I've tried it with a few slower paces games on my iPhone and it works decently if you have fast speeds through your router.

  3. I like Sony's consoles better, ever since the issue with the Xbox360 and the very common red ring of death. As far as companies, they are into different things (Sony has Gaming + Electronics) whereas Microsoft kind of does it all (Gaming + Windows + Software)

  4. I honestly love Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm still trying to finish off the first game (playing the first time on Ultra Hard difficulty in order to unlock a PS trophy), but near the end (just need to make a bunch more time for It).

  5. I remember playing the second one on PC, and then Driver 3 on my PS3 (honestly I loved the game, had that GTA vibe for sure although people hated it). Would be cool to see a newer version of Driver like Driver 3 (hidden vehicles, could go inside of almost all buildings, drive around, walk, etc.).

  6. Are you looking specifically for platform exclusives? If so I’d recommend these if you like these style of games;

    Flying: Ace Combat

    Racing: Gran Turismo

    Little Big Planet is also a cool kids game with a fun multiplayer.

    and of course some VR titles but idk if you have the VR headset 

  7. Like others have said, VR is so young that it’s really hard to say it’s bad right now. It’s like looking at PS1 game graphics and saying they sucked compared to today’s standards. Give it time to evolve and become what one would expect with today’s graphics 

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