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Posts posted by Justin11

  1. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    A friend of mine was actually of the opinion that it's better to have more controllers to help make them last longer. 

    Yeah, if you can simply add more it's better that way because it will give you enough options if controllers and also serving long time just as your friend suggested. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Exactly - it's actually why most people don't fancy getting into trying to become a YouTube channel owner when they know they can't earn from it for failing to meet the requirements. 

    It's hard to reach such kind of high requirement to get monetized with YouTube. But if you're determined surely you'll make it, it's gradual process. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    It's not really about stopping kids from playing games but adding some sort of control to what they get into in order to aid their mental development. 

    Yes, they shouldn't be stopped in any way dear. They should control their urge for the gaming, make them play games when necessary so they don't get too addicted. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Heatman said:

    Racing games thought me now to drive cars in real life and it's something that I appreciate about racing games till today. 

    That's cool, that's why I love it also. I learned driving already, before getting on board with racing games, but every time I take on the game I learn amazing driving skills. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Heatman said:

    Exactly - it's actually why gaming addiction is something that's always detrimental to gamers health in general. 

    Yes, we shouldn't be addicted in anyway when it comes to gaming so it wouldn't have negative impact to our health. When I play I take some time off to rest my head, so I feel refreshed again. 

  6. 49 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    Yeah - it's something that I have come to understand when both gamers playing are taken to penalties, they are both scared of losing. 

    Sure, because no one knows whose gonna win the contest that's why they are afraid when it comes to penalties. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Heatman said:

    Yeah - it's actually what I'm doing now. I told my friend that I'm not going to break the bank 🏦 for getting PS5 just yet. 

    Lol, you shouldn't break the bank at all buddy. Imagine that I priced PS5 console here in my country the price I saw for a brand new type it's $1,000. I was shocked, it's kinda expensive here. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    They are quite thrilling if you're the type of gamer that takes notice of them and really likes game's songs. Some gamers hate it to be honest with you. 

    Sometimes when I'm losing carelessly playing GTA, I feel very much embroiled that the next thing I do is shutting down the music, cos it's distraction to me. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    When you know that a gaming community is a healthy one would be how they react and handle misunderstanding amongst themselves. 

    Yeah, to be frank with myself ever since I came here the Admin and the mod have handled everything perfectly, no misconception between members here, the discussions shared is worthwhile too. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    Where are you located? I'm very sure that the delivery 🚚 timeline would be included in the order when you are making it. 

    I am from Nigeria, and truly this particular online store is located in the western country mostly north American side. Don't you think it will take months to get shipped in? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    If you say that it's not worth getting for playing on Playstation 4, then it's better to stick with the usual that's set out as good games for racing on PS4. 

    I'll stick with playing it around my play station 3 for now, but I wouldn't be mistaking if I say the game is superb on play station 4 console. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    Yeah - it's basically the same thing with most of these gaming systems companies. They are all out to look at protecting their own business interests. 

    I understand they are protecting their own business but they should also know that, customers are integral part of their success, and they shouldn't make others losing weight to patronize them. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    As long as you are still enjoying your Playstation 3, it's still a new one to you. It's just the same thing with me with my Playstation 4. 

    Lol, I'm enjoying it quite small, I wanted more improved gaming that's why I'm trying to upgrade to PS4 console at least. And I know I'll lay my hands on it before the year runs down. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    Yeah - it's actually why I'm not really too freak about getting Playstation 5. If I'm getting it, I'm definitely not going to putting too much pressure on myself. 

    Yes, you shouldn't bother about that, putting pressure on yourself to get it, since you still have PlayStation 4. You should get it maybe when you have extra funds. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Heatman said:

    Exactly - most gamers feel extremely bad when such happens which is why they stick to play in a way they would have their peace of mind. 

    Yes, since they encounter such, their is no point going out playing with others in a heat congested public environment where some of the gamers lose their temper and talk s**t. 

  16. 38 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    Yeah - it's actually a fact that you are going to lose if you're going to and in most cases, I believe that penalties is a game of luck. 

    Yes, it's simply a game of luck dear, any one can win indeed, that's why I feel frightened going to penalties with a fellow gamer or with A1. 

  17. 48 minutes ago, Heatman said:

    It's not surprising to me at all because I know a few people who are actually the same way as well. If it's not soccer or football, count them out. 

    You're right, others do have same perspective like I do. I prefer staying away from many sports game cos they don't entice me, I feel bored watching them. I love Moto GP, F1, because they are both racing. 

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