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Posts posted by Jayson

  1. On 2/27/2020 at 9:47 AM, The Blackangel said:

    In some areas, I'm organized to the point of being anal about it. In others, I don't give the slightest bit of a shit.

    Anal type people seem to be "scapegoating" lol - to quote another thread.   They have huge problems so they focus on your slob behavior.

    Well, in a situation with my elderly mom, she isn't paralyzed from the neck down - lol.  She's simply become lazy - but certain people expect me to slave for her - hand and foot.  I just won't do it.  I tell her - at the least, keep the tables clean - and that gets done with most of it!

  2. On 2/27/2020 at 9:44 AM, The Blackangel said:

    It's a scapegoat because they want to blame social programs like welfare for the downfall of society and the cause for crimes. They say it's an excuse to stay on the government titty, so you don't have to work, and can then do whatever you want with your free time. All the while they look the other way when asked to help change things and say "It's not my problem. Make them fix it." They blame others for the problems that we all face, but when the time comes for them to take action they're not the ones to fix the problem, someone else is. Then when there's not enough to fix it, they start up the bitching again. Always looking for someone else to blame.

    I think a big problem is job discrimination.  Like for instance, these blacks I know in this rural county can't get jobs - probably cause they're black.

    However, though, outside the rural white areas - they can get jobs - yet many blacks are on welfare anyway.   However, though, what percentage of blacks - assuming they're outside of prison are on welfare?  Actually, it's not the majority - but it is true a huge percentage of the prison population is black.

  3. On 2/27/2020 at 9:36 AM, The Blackangel said:

    Clinical insanity in its purest form.

    Well, they had this propaganda pic in the World Book Encyclopedia (article about propaganda).  One had Hitler with a halo of light and another had him as this ridiculous Charlie Chaplin character.   Well, they could actually do that to any public figure or person.

  4. On 2/22/2020 at 8:20 PM, The Blackangel said:

    It’s not that simple. It’s a scapegoat situation. People are not willing to accept any blame so they look for someone else to blame.

    Well, I'm certainly not backing white supremacist thinking. However, how is it a scapegoat?  It certainly seems that way.

  5. On 2/19/2020 at 10:37 AM, The Blackangel said:

    We haven't driven any of our people to lower themselves to republican status. We fight hard to get rid of all the terrorists in our political system (Chump and Dense for example), and bring in intelligent people that will fight for creating and maintaining a functioning country, while facing the threats to our world like climate change. It's why I support Tom Steyer. He's the last hope this country has.

    The supporters have Trump with a halo of light around him. 🙃

  6. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:


    I totally agree - and even those who deserve bullying (gossipers, assholes) - shouldn't be bullied.   Ultimately, we should be trying to build people up - but it's not human nature.  Well, all we can do is prepare people for the way people actually are.

  7. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    If it's just a hobby, then like @Jayson said, I doubt anyone at the corporate level would notice. And if they did notice, I doubt they would care. All you would have to say if someone got their feathers ruffled, is that you were using their software as a prototype to make sure your design would work before you started getting your own games written and made compatible. Tell them that they would be credited for their system being so much assistance, and I'm sure that as long as they got a cut of the profits (assuming you went into production large or small) there wouldn't be any hard feelings.

    I don't have the knowhow to do any of this so I can't offer much on the technical side. Actually I can't offer jack shit on the technical side. All I can do is make extremely simple YouTube videos.

    How can prototypes be copyrighted/trademarked.  I mean at some basic level - all's the same.

  8. 31 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    Damn right. It’s not the 70’s anymore. We’re dealing with the big boys now, and they don’t take kindly to 3rd party developers.

    Yeah, that's kind of a no-brainer.  I'm suprised @skyfire didn't think of it.

    Oh, wait he means as a hobby - and not to sell?  Well, as long as too many aren't being made - it would probably be overlooked.

  9. 30 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    It’s not that simple. It’s a scapegoat situation. People are not willing to accept any blame so they look for someone else to blame.

    With the bullied or in fat shaming or something, it's "blame the victim".    So they might say being fat isn't subjective or the some kid gossips to bring on bullying.   Well, in the 2nd case, that could be the reason sometimes - but ultimately, kids should be about building each other up - not tearing people down.  However, it's not human nature - not in this existence.

  10. On 2/19/2020 at 10:24 AM, The Blackangel said:

    On one hand, I can understand why they do it. If you're bullied incessantly, at some point you're gonna snap. I remember beating the shit out of kids due to bullying in school before I dropped out my Junior year. The bullying I went through was relentless. But I never took a gun to school and shot up the place.

    On the other hand, when that person snaps, they may go the other way. Instead of leaving the situation, they try to kill it. That's what war is all about. I'll support a justified war. But something like this, I look down on it with disgust. Murder is so generic and uncreative. Where's the art? Where's the creativity? Do something that will be unique and worthy of being remembered. Don't take the lazy way. If you are going to take the lazy way, then you kill the offending persons FAMILY not them. Make them live with the knowledge that their actions caused their loved ones to die. That's more of a punishment then killing the person that hurt you.

    Yeah  there is something to be said of "abused as a child; executed as an adult" - but the cultural right is into anti-softness (Oh, they should tough it out!).  Well, I think every situation isn't the same - but people generalize. 

    Anyway, from the cultural right - is this huge backlash against welfare bums and crime (blacks etc..), homosexuals (in the military, pushing an agenda, Jewish people (Looking to prevent another Holocaust, obviously, they've put multi-cultural-ism into hyper-drive.) - and of course, as collateral damage are bullied people - who are seen as more "sacred cows".

    But, anyhow, I can't blame Jews for not wanting another holocaust - and I'm not sure if the welfare and crime problem is as simple as the right makes it to be.

  11. On 2/19/2020 at 8:59 AM, The Blackangel said:

    Are we talking something compatible with a specific game company? Like something that plays Xbox games? Or are we talking a whole new Gaming console completely different that uses its own format?

    Well, making a well known console - could be illegal!

  12. Not crazy about Pentecostals or churches - similar.   Way too fake and venomous members.   I'd rather stick to traditional churches - but unfortunately my girlfriend has fallen for it!   So she thinks I'm not a Christian😀

  13. On 1/5/2020 at 10:43 AM, The Blackangel said:

    Trump has used his own personal prejudice to guide every last thing he has done and tried to do since his campaign. He lied on the entire campaign, and it's a proven fact that he lies more than six times a day to the American people. At this point there are even republicans that aren't supporting him anymore. We've had some worthless presidents in this country, but this bastard will go down as the worst in American history. I swear to the Gods, if somehow it happens again, then I'm officially Canadian.



    I'm sure - lol - that some online racists - will say the photo was faked.


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