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Joshua Farrell

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Everything posted by Joshua Farrell

  1. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Honestly, I never expected to like The Sims. I found out that I love figuring out how to run the lives of fake people, and figuring out whether or not I can get them to do things that I know they probably wouldn't do in the first place. What about you?
  2. What was the first game you ever remember playing? Back on Windows 3 I believe, I remember this pirate game that I had to play by using a floppy disk, then typing a command line to open. THe game basically was you exploring an island I believe, and I remember spending a ton of time on the beach and there abouts. I don't remember a whole lot more from it, as I was 5-6 when I played it.
  3. This is one of those games where you can play it in your browser, or on mobile. Couldn't figure out a place to put this topic, so I thought I would put it here. If someone can think of a good place for it, feel free to put up the move report for me. :) Wormax.io, like slither.io, is a game where you play on a server full of people, with the goal of getting yours (and their) worms bigger. In the game(s), there are boosts that can help you play, and hinder other worms at the same time. Have any of you played this game before, and if so, do you play often? I tend to play this game the hour before I go to sleep, so I can wind down, and have fun preventing other players from growing. Though it is a little annoying trying to get big myself, only to accidentally run into others and end my growing spree.
  4. Which games you have spent the most on? This could be a series of games that you bought, expansion packs to games, or just additional stuff that can be purchased inside the game, through micro transactions. The top three games I spent the most amount of money on, probably would be The Halo Series on X-Box, I have all the games, except #5. I just haven't purchased it yet. Call of Duty. I have multiple versions of this game, that I haven't gotten new copies of yet, but had plenty of fun on. Last Shelter: Survival (Andriod). You wouldn't believe how much I spent just on this game, in the past 8 months, through the micro transactions. :D
  5. Which do you personally like to do more, than the other? Playing competitively, or solo? I enjoy playing with people, in most of the games I play. The few games I don't generally play competitively in, I would rather try setting it up to see if I can get the computer to make it more difficult for me, rather than trying to find someone who may or may not be better than myself.
  6. What do you think a lot of people think or hope will happen, but most likely will not happen? Example, zombie virus outbreak, aliens greeting us for the first time, nuclear destruction, etc. I think we probably won't actually begin colonization of an another planet, in 20 years. I would be suprised if a company or government organization actually got the equipment in place to begin doing so in 20 years.
  7. Have you ever used a walkthrough to play a game? If not, not judging here. :D I used one once, as the walkthrough was part of the purchase to the game I bought. I mainly used it to plan out my playthrough, as it had maps of each of the level in the game. It did help with my time playing on the first time, as I don't think I would have been able to finish the game that quickly, if I had atleast looked at the levels maps to figure out where to find stuff and what I could do to finish faster.
  8. I've thought about expanding my consoles with more fancy hardware, but it really just comes down to expenses. I don't have the money to do the customizing, like a higher end cpu, bigger and better hard drive, better graphics cards, etc. I would love to honestly.
  9. Now that is the type of reply I actually expected. Thank you. As I normally don't venture to discuss games I play, it is understandable that I would want to discuss those things that I don't know what others think about it.
  10. Again, assuming something that wasn't intended. Either learn to discuss topics civilly, or don't reply to topics that get you hot headed.
  11. Adults discuss stuff civilly. By calling me out as having issues for just creating a topic to discuss an issue, doesn't "promote discussion and impart knowledge". As my opening posts asks, "Do you think they influence the players to be violent in real life?" That was the discussion item, not a item to start jumping at someone for even suggesting that there is a problem.
  12. Oh wow, you people are really hopped mad on a single topic. This topic wasn't made for you to get hopping mad and start throwing crap at me. Get over your egos, and act civil. If you cannot act as adult, as an adult, then why reply to the topic in the first place?
  13. Talk about a over reaction. There are ofcourse studies on video games making people more aggressive. Then comparing historical figures to how they were already aggressive, when they didn't have video games is not the point. People will be aggressive, regardless of it, because like it or not, those historical figures you pointed out, did not have access to violent games, because the games we have now weren't invented then, due to the fact that consoles and computers weren't around, or weren't in widespread use. Just because most people who commit crimes don't play video games, doesn't mean that there isn't a small portion that may have been influenced by games. By the way, here is a list of 10 crimes that were committed, that the people arrested, said that the games influenced them to commit the crimes: https://listverse.com/2017/10/28/top-10-violent-crimes-tied-to-video-games/
  14. Some video games are well, very violent. Do you think they influence the players to be violent in real life? I know there are people that are pretty suggestable when it comes to suggestions and impressions others make to them. I can see some violent games becoming issues for people who don't know how to distiguish a suggestion made from a game, and a real life in person suggestion made by someone else.
  15. Is there an upcoming game you are looking forward to playing? What is it? Personally I am looking toward Skull & Bones coming out in March, Halo Infinite, and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
  16. Virtual reality systems are gaining popularity these days. Are you excited about the potential of virtual reality? Or are you worried? I have been watching these develop since the initial announcement regarding virtual reality, but have always been hesitated from trying it out. I do want to try virtual reality, but I don't like the cheap version (which is basically your phone conntected to the gear), yet the higher end stuff costs too much for me to want to try out various games with it.
  17. What mistake do you keep making again and again? I personally keep volunteering for stuff in real life, that keeps putting me in a situation that I cannot do my best in. I have no idea why I stop myself from doing something like that, but I end up doing that anyways.
  18. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be? If I only had one option for clothing, I would go with jeans and a t-shirt, as I get tired quickly of wearing dress pants and white (or patterned) button up dress shirts all day.
  19. What would you consider more important to do, helping yourself, helping your family, helping your community around you, or helping the world? My priorities usually are; first, my family; second, my community; third, myself.
  20. Are you a very organized person? I am not exactly the best organized person in the world, being busy most days of the week, but when I get the chance after relaxing and destressing, I can be pretty well organized if nothing gets in the way of keeping things clean and tidy.
  21. What do you think is the most ridiculous animal on the planet? Venezuelan Poodle Moth gets my vote for being pretty ridiculous! https://prnt.sc/r12306
  22. What's the biggest overreaction you've ever seen? This could be anything from something in life, to being online. I remember that I have had several over reactions to my questions to people before. I could ask something that is innocent, and then the person would over react, thinking I am asking whatever question, just to target them. This has happened both in life and online a number of times. I hate it when that happens.
  23. Have you ever saved an animal's life? How about another person's life? I actually managed to save a dog, after it was ran over and the people who ran it over, didn't get out of their car after they ran it over. I knew who the owners were, and I got the dog back to them, and they were able to get a hold of a vet, for the emergency.
  24. What's the most relaxing situation you could imagine? I think that a relaxing situation would be where no one assumes something is up, when I am being quiet, trying to relax. Even when I am vacationing, I have people think something is wrong when I am relaxing. When no one is bugging me when I am relaxing, that is generally when I am in the most relaxing situation I can think of.
  25. Do you have any recommendations for city builders that I, or others might like to play? I love recommending most of the Maxis SImCity games, and Zeus: Master of Olympus, as my two favorite older type of city games. Been meaning to try out Frost Punk, as it looks like it has great potential to be a game where there are a wide variety of ways to play the city building game, with various different types of scenarios.
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